Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by Dark3nd Av3ng3r, Jun 20, 2008.
lololol if only his head were bigger, this would be A-W-E-S-O-M-E
yay a fat penguin hay you know online my name is Combat P3nguin awsome map
What a great creation ! I'm love the peng-gina Very funny and great job
i agree with penguinish. +rep for penguin awsomeness. good job darkavenger!
hm. lol... wtf... *confusion* But AWESOME
the head is abit small? i think thats all
how can't peopl see the penguin i love it, it looks like one fat one any way
The feet could have been smaller, and you could have left out the peng-gina. Nevertheless, 10/10.
Holly cow... I mean penguin! That is a giant penguin! Nice, really made me laugh.
Wow, I probly won't dwnled but it was good for a laff