All the creator's of the 1v1 maps are premiums already, and the regular Friday features are still going up interrupted, so who cares? Commissioning premium members to make the maps for the tournament was the only way to keep the tournament quiet and ensure the maps were of a high quality. Not rewarding them for making some great maps would be stupid. ...and besides the fact that I suck with the Spartan Laser, I love this map. Not just the gameplay, but some of the architecture makes we wish I'd made this map, especially the bars (I can see why you called it penance), the columns near the laser-side teleporter and the tin-cups in each base. If this was the first map, I can't wait to see the last in the line-up.
This will not be turning into a discussion of tournament features. Keep you comments regarding the map only from here on out please. Failure to do so may result in infraction(s). If you wish to discuss the issue further, do so in customer service, not here. This thread is for Penance and Penance only.
Regardless guys, in my opinion this map is...generally one of the lowest quality maps in the winners bracket, so if you like are definitely in for some pleasant surprises, and if you don't I'm sure some of the other maps will appease you.
Alright, well I came back after doing several 1v1's with several people (I never lost, btw), and I must say, it's a very fine map for 1v1s. At the start of the game, it seems most viable for me to rush camo, as I can easily avoid a laser or shotgun (and I still find the laser even more useful, btw, if you are down 2 BR shots, you aren't going to win that 1v1, so it's worth having it). However, camo is an easy way to get a free one or two shots on your opponent. I found it odd to see it here with 25m enhanced radar, but all you need to do is change up how you operate a little bit with it and you are fine. Normally, I will try to figure out some sort of spawn system on the map, and things that map certain spawns more likely. I had a very difficult time with that on this map, especially considering how many routes you could take (it's like being on MLG Onslaught for example). I did figure out one area that was fairly good for getting spawns on the other side, but I'm not sharing them (I'm not competing, but I'm not doing work for all of you guys). Smaller touches I like were the window slits outside of shotgun spawn (very easy to stay there and avoid quite a few things, and you still have 3-4 routes you can take to escape), and your rails lining the camo spawn (perfectly placed height to get headshots on your opponent). There are also some fun grenade angles in there, just keep searching. Very good weapon balance, slowed down gameplay, and excellent spawns make this a map that's worth keeping on my HD outside of the tournament as well. Can't wait for your guys' next map.
because sometimes, during this thing called testing, map creators sometimes make little changes to improve the map, and press release photos are from unfinished versions of this. Check this out: A WARTHOG ON HIGHGROUND! NOO WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! A SWORD ON EPITAPH? HAXXXXXXXXXXXX!! Thank you, and goodnight.
I love the layout and aesthetics. It's disappointing to me that, regardless of how they're used, teleporters immediately become the focus of a map. Any map. Looking forward to the tournament, great job on running it guys.
actually i have its pretty good but from what your saying it sounds like this map was only featured because it was in the tourney that is really stupid to have only a tourney map featured.
The wall T behind Camo teleporter doesn't spawn a start, which means for the first 3 minutes you can backsmack anyone who goes through it because there is enough space behind it so you don't block it and the wall spawning inside you when your there can be an issue too.