Chief won't be leaving the first campagn levelas quickly as he hoped... OMG GET OUTTA THE WAYmg: Kay I lived...Now how we be getting out:cry: NO srsly som1 get this thing started up NOW:frustrated: *No one could get it started and so many days later, chief stranded there dies of suicide...the end.:embarassed: (TEEHEE) (It's actually very easy to brign a pelican down, a well placed plasma gernade on a certain spot on the pelican(the front mirror to be exact) will let it go through, and hopefully attach itself to the drivers, thus later giving forcing you a one way to ticket to the last checkpoint because you can't do anything with no ride... EDIT:For all you NONBELIEVERS and think this is some phhotoshop crap check youtube they'll have some videos of a pelican being brought down.
This is pretty funny. I like how it crashed right in front of the Chief And I doubt he would commit suicide. Anyways nice pics
*tries it for himself*, there's no way to kill the Pelican. Standing on top of it and sticking three grenades onto the front windshield had no effect but to push it back a little bit, for which it compensated. Take that and the fact that your account is flooded with grammatical errors and abuses the "smilies" we have, and is quite frankly kind of annoying, and you get my rarely used one star rating. EDIT: I guess thread ratings are gone. Still, not that clever...
Oh yes and you have to do it while it's flying towards you, after shootng the phantom down. It won't work while it's still. Don't ask why you can't cause I don't have the answer.
How to you get the pelican to crash do you just blow it up, or is it a glitch in the game. Anyway, good job with those pics, they are kind of funny Master chief...=lucky dumbass
yah i guess you could call it a glitch... but srsly theres a certain spot on the front of the pelican that u throw a plasma nade at and it goes thru and attaches to the pilot(might actually be 2) its kinda confusing... and it took me at least 5 mins before the nade even went through the window.
Note: there is no pilot model inside the Pelican. The entire thing is a "sentient" AI meant to run on its scripted course with a few correctional attitudes included in case idiots tried anything. Getting it through the glass simply means you glitched out the physical model enough for it to get under the visual model's skin, enough to knock the thing down. Still, assuming you could stick it while it was flying towards you, I suppose that it's possible to get it to crash like that.
Wow you non-believing monkey farts. It is possible, search youtube for Halo 3 Mythbusters. They do it to this one on Sierra 117, they also bring down the pelican after you clear the hanger the first time on Crow's Nest.
There is indeed a pilot in it. You can't see her because of the glare/polerization on the glass. If you use the flying cam you can fly into the cocpit from the back and see it. I've tried this and failed. I've heard it can't be done in v1.2.
always wanted to do this, lol very nice job with it, im going to try this next time i play campaign. thats gotta be pretty fun to do. 6/8 for the 3 pics
I actually did that today with a plasma grenade. It is ok even when I did it. So I give this a 3/5. No offense
Yah I just recently started watching halo mythbusters. Some of the myths like suicide by running 300% into a turret are pretty cool.
Okay, This thread has gotten totally off topic. Talk about what you think of the pic! I like the pic, but why not set off some explosions around it so it looks like the pelican is actually crashing? But w/e nice pic bro!