Hello. I would love for to try out my In the Shadow's map, "Peasant's Abode" Basically, the story is when survivor's fled "The Estate", they followed. So its In the Shadows ALL OVER AGAIN! When approaching this map my mind was set on this one factor: Can I get this map as good or even better that "The Estate"? So I got started I started with 3 houses around each other and that Idea grew into a large, destroyed house with a alleyway and a small house that the survivors spawn in. Gameplay has been positive when testing(About 3 months ago), and actually Asper gave a pretty decent rating. I never had the time to post on forgehub though. And I thought today is the day, Becasue it seems that In the Shadows is dead witha lolknife lying in the corner of forgehub's dark rooms. So I continue with some screen shots to start off. ____________________________________________ This is outside of the house. The zombie's spawn inside the boxes(but there is more to it that that) and the little street ways give you a very "cramped" feeling while going through them. And you never know what will be behind that next corner. This is the first story of the abode. It will remind you of the estate a bit, Plasma door and a TV, Barriers and Seats and such. But there is a little difference in them. What are the differences you say? Well download the map to find out! This is the second story of the house. This part of the house was difficult. Had to make alot major adjustments to this story. Littlew cracks and creavice's people could get into, putting the boxes JUST right, it was a very big issue to fix. But now there all in a fairly equal spot. Now this seems small, but this where the "Survivors" spawn. this is just a spot the zombies can't get to that fast and its not really ment to be camped in. Now this is the "Alleyway" where the humans can in from the zombies. The alley goes farther back a bit. What is the screendoor for? It serves no purpose for the survivors, but it does for the zombies. Continue reading... This is how far back the alley goes, it circles around the spawn building. NOTE: The wall jets out for a REASON play the map and you'll know why. Now this is where the screen door comes into play. This is the Zombie spawn. What are the advantages to having this? They have the advantages of turn invisble before entering the teleporter. The teleporter on the LEFT leads to random teleporters in the BOXES (see this is where it got more complicated) But it is not in a fixed location, its random. Elminating any spawn kill(ing/ers) And the door ion the RIGHT does not work till 30 seconds. After thirty seconds, the zombie can go through where the screen door is (=D) so the zombie can either get behind the players in the HOUSE or get close to the people in the WAY back alley eaiser. ___________________________________________ Download "Peasant's Abode" Download "In the Shadows" I hope you enjoy this map as much as I enjoyed making it. ___________________________________________ Q/A About the map: Actually, I made these boxes in favor for the zombies. So they have a advantage point when some idiot teammate decides to be rambo and gets killed for doing so Well thats GREAT that you dont care, I just explain why there is not much interlocking. I honestly did need that much heres a list of what I really did interlocked: 1.2nd Story 2.There were obvious cracks in the wall, so I interlocked some of the walls INSIDE and OUT. 3.When/If you ever played the map, when u go from spawn to house (survivor's) that fence had to be interlocked a bit.
First off, I am going to say I am a huge fan of 'In the Shadows', and I loved the estate. After reading through this post, I think this map is better. The teleporter system you set up in zombie spawn area is brilliant. It completely eliminates spawn camping, and it forces the humans to move. Many infection maps are way to campy, and this one seems like that wouldn't be a problem. I love the layout of this map. The street does create a perfect 'Oh **** was that a zombie?' feeling. The boxes on the second floor seem like to make some interesting gameplay, like zombies hiding behind them. Overall, I give this map a 5/5. Awesome gametype+Awesome Map+Great Screens+Brilliant Features=Win.
I'm happy about the teleporter situation, finally no more spawn killing. I've played infection games were before I can even see anything I die because of spawn killing.hopefully this eliminates that possibility. This map looks like it is forged well. Most maps have a good appeal, but crappy play, and this map looks as if they are both fun. Overall rating 4/5 Because I think you could have used more pics to show off yur level more. that way when we see it we could give better hints, and suggestions. Pics are very important the more the merrier. A sugggestion... Is to have a more easier way to get atop the boxes, that way when you are getting chased by a zombie, your not completely screwed over and die, it gives you the chance you might need to escape. AFTER READING THE NEW POST RULES NEVER WILL I POST A REPLY UNDER EVEN 5 SENTENCES! Hopefully i was of some help...
Very nice way to eliminate spawn camping. I saw almost no interlocking and you know what? I don't care. It seem like you took your time putting this map together, and I don't see much directly riped from The Estate. I'll download and give you feedback later.
Turns out that I like the map. Not such a big fan of the game-type. Map: 4.5/5 because I like to mix things up a little. Game-type: not yours so I won't say anything about that.
If anyone wants, I could run a game with this map and gametype on Halo 3, GT is the same as forgehub name.
I remember the "In the Shadows" maps. They were always fun for big parties. I think that "The Vent" was the better of the first two. However, this looks like it has the other two beat. I'll download this map and post back after I play it.