I remember hearing about Spore like two years ago... and it's still not out yet. When does it come out? And also in starcraft you can have a heckuva lot of units out at once attacking without lagging up the your comp even if you have an okay comp, because it's an old game, i think at least
WooHoo! I just got a new PC that can run Crysis and Cod4, so I downloaded the crysis demo. Its an amazing game, but I want to try out multiplayer also.
Huh...everyone seems to play warcraft,stacraft(which i totally agree rocks-altho i prefer tiberian sun) and halo PC. No one remember mechwarrior? I think i actually prefer mechwarrior;vengeance to halo in some cases. Killer story,the trailer alone is awesome lol and theres an amazing amount of customization on your mech. The mad cat II or the uziel was my favorite (dual uber cannons of doom ftw!)...the daishi had **** loads of guns but its a complete snail XD Infact if i hadnt lost it i'd probly be playing right now
I remember mechwarrior! i forgot which one i had, but it was awesome. I even had a joystick for the game lol.