UT 3, crysis, oblivion, BF2142, guildwars, warcraft III, and more. I only play whn I have the time to cuz those games are addictive, and once you start, you can't stop.
For those of you into RTS, my personal favorite is Starcraft (IMO the best PC game ever made) My favorite FPS would have to be Halo PC. Other than those two, I really haven't played much PC.
yes and no. there are some ERRORS you run into from floating objects to spinning tanks The AI is retarded half the time which is a - for me. you shoot from a room, a guy runs in and hides on UR side of the door, WTF. so is it worth the computer I am using, no f-ing way. its pretty but thats about it.
i love starcraft, i forgot to mention it... especially use map setting games =D and i also play a lot of free MMO's like 9Dragons. I used to play FLYFF and maple story.
I play America's Army because it's free, and it's a decent tactical shooter if you find a good server. Like COD4 but with more strategy.
Warcraft III, I don't play much Starcraft, but I'll probably get Starcraft 2 whenever it finally releases. For those that love to play the Warcraft III/Starcraft custom games, I've tried recreating some of my favorite genres of games in Halo, the first, which I have completed, has worked out very well.
Warcraft III FTW!!!! I play on battle.net quite allot {you will see me in footman wars, TDs, crop circles and hero wars. haven't tried starcraft {never wanted to}.
I definitely recommend it, especially if you like Warcraft. The three races presented in this game are the most balanced I've ever seen and the map editor and free online service have kept it fresh for years.
okayz. I have 2 hitachi 1tb dirves in meh pc so I have lots of room for games . I am thinking about C&C 3 at the moment. The game I am w8ng for is spore. the AI in that will be groundbreaking. yeah umm, I wish they didn't rush it. The AI SUCKS!!!!!!!! crysis = 3/5
Yeah, I played warcraft III and starcraft (cant wait for the new starcraft!) played diablo for about 3 weeks then got bored...Anyone who has played warcraft or starcraft should try the other one out if they havent already, they're made by the same company and are both great games