PBall Zone By: DoogNit Download Bringing a new kind of gameplay to halo, this map and gametype combo is sure to spare you hours of boredom. Supported Gametypes: Slayer (DG's PBall) CTF (PBall Flag) Infection (Light's Shadows) Description Yes indeed you heard correctly. Paintball on halo. This isn't plasma pistol one shot kills on a blank foundry. This is real paintball. You get weapons just as accurate (Carbines) and your vision isn't too far from what it'd be in a tundra terrain. Lots of cover is all over the map and many of which are vantage points which your team should acquire. DGs PBall [DOWNLOAD] First off it's there's always 2 teams. Any colors are fine. You start in a room where your weapons and equipment spawn. You can take anything you can grab (Full Carbine and 2 plasma grenades.) The carbine is obviously representing the paintball gun while the plasma grenades represent paint grenades (Look em up.) The plasma pistol represents a broken paintball gun which you have to trade in for a new one. The custom powerups turn you into a shadow basically making it easy for you to scout up close to the enemy base. This lasts for 30 seconds. Anyway, it's still one shot kill, but you have 3 lives. Now, this is important. The carbines stay spawned where they were originally so if you spawn, you start with the broken paintball gun again. (Plasma Pistol) So you have to go to either the other team's base or your own to switch it out for a new one. Trust me, you aint gonna go out there and pull a rambo with a plasma pistol. It just doesn't work. There are bubble shields which spawn in both bases which can be very useful in sticky situations. As for radar, you do have 25 meters of it but it's limited to allies only. However you can't see where your teammates are unless they're in your sight. (Which means no service tags telling you where your allies are.) PBall Flag [DOWNLOAD] This gametype is very similar to DGs PBall, but instead of having 1 life, you have infinite. As for the Capture The Flag settings, The flag never gets returned or reset. It stays where it is until it gets carried away. Flag carrier triats are no different than regular traits so that whole "Pick it up n drop it" technique is pointless. Just run it. And that's basically all there is to it. Oh one more thing: There are 3 capture points so that someone can't just camp the return spot and never be able to be compromised. Other than that, just make sure you play with tactics. Runnin n Gunnin in this gametype will ensure your loss immediately. Light's Shadows [DOWNLOAD] This game is infection-based. I'm sure you might think it's weird to put infection on a paintball map, and you would be right! Very weird indeed, but nonetheless fun and enjoyable. The alpha zombie (Light) spawns with 4x overshield and is invincible. Unless you assassinate him of course, but don't get your hopes up. The regular zombies which are "Light's Shadows" live up to their name. They look like shadows and move quite speedily. They are a 1 shot kill, but if you let them get close enough, you might as well say goodnight. There are 2 mongooses on the map for human's use, but you might wanna get a passenger. If a shadow gets close enough, he can hop right on the back and "bring you to the dark side" as some might say. Last Man Standing has 4x Overshields, but only for the lighting effect. He still dies in 1 slash. Anyway, despite this map's uniqueness, it is not nearly my best map so keep that in mind. This map is made for fun more than aesthetics. Yes it's almost all merged, but the main focus is to ensure people's good time. Especially for those times you're all sitting there talking not knowing what other choices you have. Guess what? It's paintball time. Special Thanks DoogNit (That's right. I'm self-centered.) So what??? LadiesMan20007 Woodude Slakkr MilkMan Greek G....Ehh nevermind Bjusko Benihana And anyone who I forgot. Forging 101 [ YES ] __Floating Objects [ YES ] __Instant Respawn [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ YES ] __Timed Map Events [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ ___ ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ YES ] __Used Symmetry Option [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects [ YES ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ ___ ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch Mid Structure ↓ Side Bridge ↓ Blue Team's 1st Structure ↓ Blue Team's Scout Perch ↓ Merging Much??? ↓ Overview 1 ↓ Inside Red Spawn ↓ Inside Blue Spawn ↓ Overview 2 ↓ The Wall ↓ Down↓Loads Download PBall Zone Download DGs PBall Download PBall Flag Download Light's Shadows
Not only have you made the most amazing and good looking paintball map I have ever seen, but to my knowledge, you have made the biggest too! Paintball maps are very common on Foundry yet most or maybe even all have such similar layouts that people really get tired of those kinds of maps. I really like what you did there, putting a filter to make game play feel more interesting and teamwork to be a priority for both sides seeing that this map is very large in size and there are some parts of the map where people might easily spot you. Good job on this.
Alright! It's not common that the first comment is meaningful. Great job on that - very speedy and very observant. I see that you noticed all the key points to the map without even playing it so I guess there's nothing really to say other than thanks! I hope you get it Downloaded and get to play a couple games or so.
Wow First off you used Avalanche which is amazing Second you combined with my favorite gametype paintball Third someone finally has the carbine, ThE CaRbInE Iz a BeAsT
Good choice of the carbine, people have been lucking for the perfect paintball gun for a long time, but i think you nailed it. I really like how you have to search for them though, but what happens if they've locked down your base? were do you spawn? I really wish there was a brute shot somewhere on this map
I just tried a game and it was amazing with the slayer gametype you made to go with it it was a blast the 3 lives awesome cause i despise the 1 life thing
Yea I figured I'd make it as much challenging as it was going to be fun. That's the avalanche part anyway. The carbine to me looks and shoots the most like a paintball gun so I'm glad everyone seems to agree with me on that. Thanks for the reply man! Since there are spawn points almost literally everywhere, it's pretty hard to spawn camp. The point of the spawns is to make the ones that die weaker until they can either escort themselves or be escorted by others. Yes the other team can camp the other team's base in order to keep all the carbines on their team, but who said you have to go to your own base to get the carbines? *hint* *hint* Hope this answers your question lemme know if not. Ahh cool I'm glad to see that the 3 lives worked out better than the usual 1. I figured people might be used to the one and deny this game type without even testing it out a few times, but I guess my assumptions were incorrect.
For those in doubt, the gameplay is very epic. The fact that you can't see your enemy across the map adds so much to the fun. This has to be the the best paint-ball map to date. Nice job Doognit! 5/5
i havent downloaded or played any paintball maps on halo yet. but with this im gona get into paintball on halo. this looks greatt. good job you got another person into paintball.... halo style
Really great forging. You dont see much really well forged avalanche maps these days...Too much foundry.. D:
this map is tasty no doubtand has beautiful structures but its not paint ball, its halo ball a form of paintball in halo. You see paintball is possible in halo its just not this this is a different experiance, now sometime in the near future im going to make a map that brings the real fun paintball experience. Not that this is bad its just a different experience. Paintball is cover, shoot run, cover and your not going 15 miles an hour like natural in halo its one shot kill but you see the shot comming and you know if youve played paintball so yeah so on but anyway nice map, nice game experience and yeah nice!!!