LOL! Amazing, im Canadian and sad we dont get something like this, but... WOW. Gotta say this look pretty good, and jeez, everything merged? Must take forever... Well your time didnt go to waste so good job.
i thought a couple of people mentioned trying to do some other flags but its been a little over a month and no ones mentioned back here that they made their own flag
nice map i had the idea to but never could figure out what to use for stars but nice job! AMERICA F*** YEAH! has the right amount of stars and stripes to!
Nice concept, but it should be moved to screenshots like Dave said. It really is a shame that there aren't more columns to work with. You did what you could though, and improvised, and I like that. 4.5/5
yeah my english buddy asked me to do one a day or two ago. ill probly try to knock it out today. if so ill post it here