Pathos v3.2 "Asymmetry takes on the form of map wide walkways and raised platforms. Plays mainly Objective games. 6-8 players." -Map Description About Pathos v3 Pathos v3 is an asymmetrical map that contains numerous walkways and platforms. One base stands on a tower, while the other stands near the bottom. Pathos can support roughly 8 players at max. Going over 8 players may prove to be doable, but chaotic. Reducing the amount of players makes the map better in my testing of the map. My map supports Slayer, Capture the Flag, Assault, King of the Kill, and Territories. This map is more Objective oriented, so gametypes like Capture the Flag work. However, I found that at times Slayer, while it was Free-for-All, had positive results. When it comes to CTF and Bomb games, the 1 Flag/Bomb variants work best. Gametypes like Juggernaut, VIP, and Territories, while included, do not work particularly well. Weapons List 4x Battle Rifles 1x Assault Rifles 4x Plasma Grenades 4x Frag Grenades 2x Maulers 2x Covenant Carbine 1x Rocket Launcher 1x Needler 1x Sniper Rifle 2x SMG 1x Bubble Shield 1x Power Drain What Has Been Fixed 1. Snipers Nest Mancannon has been re-aligned. 2. Red Base-Elbow Grav Lift fixed with catcher. 3. Spikers removed. 4. Magnums removed. 5. Aesthetic changes to the top of each base 5. Mancannon elevator added to provide a new way into blue base. 6. Main platform into blue base expanded with blocks removed. Sorry, I haven't got enough funds for guardrails, but you can maneuver the paths easily with practice. Screenshots Map Overview Red Base Blue Base Blue Elevator The Walkways Red Base Mancannon Exit Snipers Nest Mancannon Elbow Action Shots
People always say that the aesthetics of a map don't effect game play. They believe that just because something is badlly forged, it doesn't mean the game play is bad. While this is technically true, thinking that they are not related approaches upon stupidity. This is because, or so I believe, if someone cannot be bothered to make something look good, then they probably won't spend the less time consuming process of making it play good. I said that to explain how I see this. To me, this map seems sloppy, to put it nicely. It seems as if this was just thrown together with no prior planning. You started at one end, and decided to add a path here and a grave lift there. Unfortunately, this leads to rather bad game play designs, such as paths that suddenly stop and have only one way to get to them, random man cannons, and very linear level design. To say that no effort was put forth would be both rude and untrue, but there is a definite lack of effort that resonates from you map. This map could be good, might even be great, but at this point, it is obvious from the pictures that it is not. Lastly, on a slightlly nitpicky note, man connons, unless very controlled, are never a reliable means of transportation, and while admittedly I have never played this map, it seems as if near all of them would be very unreliable.
i very much have to agree with satan, this map does look a bit unplaned and therfor sloppy, ussualy resulting in bad or worse than normal gameplay. but, also like satan said, i have never played this map so i could be completly rong on that.
Uh...huuuh. I'd have to say this is an improvement from the first. The new mancannon elevator makes it more difficult to camp. My main issue with this map doesn't have to do with it's "sloppiness", but rather its gameplay. The main flaw with this entire map is that it's a large map made of narrow paths. So every battle will either be on a narrow path, on the highground shooting someone on a lower path, or perhaps just playing with the mancannons. And satan *shiver*, mancannons are reliable unless you are either an uncoordinated moron or have higher gravity.