
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Variable, Apr 11, 2011.

  1. Variable

    Variable Forerunner

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    Hey guys I'm Variable, my gamertag is "Variable Owns." I'm new to this website but I love forging, custom games, and Halo in general so I should be a great addition. I make maps pretty regularly, usually for fun but I have a few maps with hours of work on that are pretty good for casual and some even for competitive play. Anyway this is one of my bigger ones I originally made this as an attempt to get this map accepted into the Community BTB playlist. I'm not sure if they add maps every month? Or what but If it's possible I'd like to submit this. Anyway it's title is "Pathfinder" I named it this, because they're two bases with 6 bridges. Also none as "paths" bascially you choose your path to get to the other base. Now... Lets get to the details.


    - Great Map for large numbers of players. Suggested 8v8 (16) but can still produce results with 6v6 (12)

    - Two Bases, red & blue, with multiple bridges to the other base.


    6 DMR's on each side
    2 NR's on each side
    Rockets on mid Vehicle bridge
    Snipers in each Sniper towers
    Shotgun in mid tunnel
    1 base has a concussion rifle on their catwalk
    The other base has a grenade launcher on their catwalk.
    4 Frag grenade spots on each side (each spot has 2 grenades)
    and 2 Plasma grenade spots on each side (also two per spot)
    2 mongoose' per side
    1 warthog per base
    Banshee in the middle on top of Tunnel.


    (I apologize for low quality I don't own a capture card, so all of this was done with a digital camera)



    Red Base:


    Blue Base:


    Crossroads (The Bridges)


    Map Walkthrough:

    A map walkthrough is coming shortly however due to my horrible out dated lap top it will take approx. 67 minues left. I'm going to bed but I will edit this thread with the video walkthrough in the morning. If you'd like to play the map before then and see it for yourself please download it off from the download link I've provided above.

    Alright so theres the map questions, comments, or anything you wanna say just let me know. I'm up for criticism and advice.

  2. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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  3. Variable

    Variable Forerunner

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    Oh okay cool thanks for the tip. I'll replace the pictures then. Should have the walkthough up by tonight.

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