****ing HATE this commercial. the voice is terrible, graphics fail, it does not make me want to buy pasta from domino's. what even gave them the idea for this? idk even know this commercial is fail though, epicly. enjoy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsZXPFxc2Gg
That was the gayest commercial ever made. I would sooooooo not watch that again. HE like misses him everytime with the tonsils.
thats "pasta hut" to you. yea this commercial is epic fail. i like it because you can so tell white gangsterz did the voicing yoz. lawls. the should atleast have like method man do it or some sh*t. hed be like, " NI**A GET YO MOTHA F*CKING PASTA, AND PUT A LEASH ON YO BISH!" lawlz. in the end, epic failzorz
uhh...**** my life? is that an appropriate response to the most epicly fail commercial on the face of my ass?
I am so happy I don't get that here in Australia, is it one of those ads that always seem to be on? This ad always seems to be on TV http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8AiJdAPNbc