Source: Passengers saved after plane ditches in New York's Hudson River That is some flying. I mean seriosuly, landing a Airbus in a river where anything and everything could go wrong. I give major kudos for the pilot, with only a few passengers sustaining major (compared to everyone else) injuries. EDIT- Video:
Pilot was great. Good decision. This is all I've been seeing on the new today. Apparently a goose caused the engines to combust, right?
I'm surprised the plane didn't crumple like a sheet of paper when it hit the water... He must've been a damn good pilot.
After all the crashes in water and why dont they just design the plane so it can float and touch down on water safely like a sea plane but keep the landing gears so it can still land on runways.
^ Because you would get a less aerodynamic design, and it would put more streess on the plane's wings if, lets say, they were to mount the engine ABOVE the wing. And, I do not believe the plane was at full speed yet, or they may not have been so lucky.
Birds don't do anything for anyone. They just get stuck in our engines and crash our planes. Death to birds, kill em all I say.
LOL. I remember this time, back 2 years ago when I was with my friend going to Spain (By plane) and I was sitting at the window and he was looking out, know what happened? A bird flew inside the engine and it got ripped to pieces. We laughed so hard one of the tsaff came over to ask us to be a bit quieter. LOL.
Why's American Airlines the best? They'll fly you right into your office... But that Pilot is damn lucky he thought fast and turned the plane into the river, it's also thanks to the Flight Attendants in getting the people off the plane that nobody drowned...
It's quite a miricle that the surface tension of the water didn't rip the plane in half. If they had even been a mile higher, the results could have been catastropic. Props to the pilot getting the plane to hit the water at the right trajectory and to every other person reacting to the accident so quickly.
Oh boy, this incident is all over in the news! If i was in manhattan that day, i could only imagine how it would look seeing a full scale jetliner coming in for crash landing in the hudson river. I feel bad for the passengers, It was like 20 degrees that day, and the water was about 40 degrees. But thats not so bad comparing to this guy i seen in the subway lately. It was 5 degrees in NYC on friday, and he's walking around with nothing but a tank top on. I was like, WTF!!! How is that guy still moving! Its cold. He really had people heads turning too.