Hello forgegod117 here. For a while now i hae had the idea for a crazy mapo themed after ODST's that plays on avalanche. I would like to expand off of this topic starting with the dramatic opening crash section. Imagine this!!! as the screen fades on and you start to play, your drop pod has just crashed through the base of avalanche. Via custom powerups you start out with low movability and your sheilds are down. The flood are about ten seconds around the corner with no weapons, they are the flood remember. The ODST has only ten seconds to grab a shotgun and a BR, let his sheilds recharge and get ready for the flood. As the flood round the corner only the quick trigger and steady hand of the ODST can prevent death by infection. Meanwhile a second player spawns away from the flood spawn and has to get to the player before the flood attack a second time and throw a gravity lift to help them up. the ODST's will fight their way to sevral diferent stations on this flood contanment and study facility. The map goes all the way in a horseshoe around avalanche taking advantage of every nook and cranny in the terrain.How will the flood keep up with the ODST's without.... Well acting like the flood and swarming all over them. The map will include some influence from what we've seen of halo wars. By using flood barraks they can get around amazingly well through teleporters. Also the flood tombstone. Somewhat like high charity in the caves of avalanche is where all flood spawn. It is in other words the central origin of the flood. It has the teleporters to all the flood barraks around the map as well as a flamethrower for the humans. More of an aestetic pace for the flood it will have some porpuse for the humans in gameplay. Will post more once I think of it. What I am looking for ~Someone who knows all forging techniques such as geomerging and interlocking. ~Someone who can do the above techniques very well. ~Someone who is very creative and who will not quit. ~I can work only on weekends so keep that in mind. But I am free almost all of the time during the weekends. ~has a mic ~Mature