see what i did there? parkour (which is the gametype) and castle (which is the mapshape) squished together! woah... i should be in marketing... "woah, look at all the awesomeness that has to offer" - The Moran yep, its a castle. This is and overview... of the castle "so great, i want to be morphed into the master chief, just so i get to mount it in person" - The Moran Yeah, its climbable, which allows roof access, theres this, a way round the back and one more on one side to get up. "what? you think there's going to be some stupid quote here? saying how great it is? i'm not that shallow" - The Moran "looks like awesomeness" oh, there it is... sorry guys. And it turns out, you can get to the roof this way also, goodness me thats good... "oh dang it... how can i sugar coat a simple staircase?" - The Moran turns out, I cant, it's just a staircase. This is for those who arnt so good at jumping, although the hardest jumps i have are crouch jumps. So few use this place, use it to break down and cry at the fact you're losing the game. or to mock others trying to get close to your score... either way... have fun with that... OK GUYS yes, you can download both the map and gametype for your own viewing/playing.
What... is the gametype? But other than that, forging looks clean, bla, bla, bla, and bla. Also, the top is sweet looking.
oh, right... probs should of mentioned that ok heres the low down: its like those jump maps you have, but its parkour, as in not one set route. Maps need to have many destinations on random spawn. that way, random routes and gameplay. Its very fun, you should take a look at it for yourself EDIT: if you look at my other map, Parkour house, it shows you what the gametype is also, and it shows many people enjoyed it. Its VIP destinations, everyone should start on their own team
Im gonna be straightforward with this, the only part on the map i like is the roof. Alot of the inside forging looks poor and looks like you could use ghost merging in alot of spots. Overall 2.5/5
well, apart from the roof at the top, i merged/ghost merged: The side jump (see overview) drawbridge The bridge thing inside is merged now (on download also) but the pic is a little old, but same layout around the back there is merging with a smaller roof, if you download a see yourself, i'm currently offline and will add a picture in a few hours :/ damn parents... is there any other spot that needs work IYO?
this is pretty cool honestly. you took a hella fun "sport" and put it on halo. thats good enough for me haha. this also makes me want to build one myself. and with your permission i am going to (right after i finish making my conquest map >.>)
well feel free, many said they would last map i made and no one has yet, i'm hoping popularity will grow, so course you can make your own, inv me to a game sometime if you need a hand.
Meh, you guys all just need to download this. It is very fun, and it kept me going for a good 30 minutes with a whole group of people. The concept is really great, especially since you get to choose how you go about getting to places. I will probably be releasing mine pretty soon Moron, I just hate doing the actual write up