Paris Tokyo Live it up in Paris, wake up in Tokyo... Created by Flymingo and XxNAPALM FURYxX* *NAPALM built the elevator system in the middle The name for this map came from a song by Lupe Fiasco. The reason that I used that name is because, well, I love the song. Anyways, Paris Tokyo, or PT, was originally going to be a map made with two guys. It worked in the beginning, and NAPALM built the elevator (shown below). The Lift The Entry-Way This map uses a blend of merging, and just plain old good placement. The one thing that is great about this map, is that it does not have a sword. This balances out the play. Pics: The Upper Level The Sniper Spawn As a Whole The Wall Bridge The Tunnel The Alley The Other Bridge Mongoose Spawn Thats it! Download Paris Tokyo
The lack of a sword isn't a huge thing, maps with swords aren't neccesarily bad. Looks like an acceptable map. The elevator looks like it works well. The geo-merging looks superb as well.
Great piece of *Blank for who knows what* You got there... Very neat, looks like you polished it up several times... I'll give it a download...
Looks good. But some improvements could be... More moveable scenery, some more colour(Try OS interlocked with blocks) and finally a weapon list. Have you tried a ghost instead of the 'goose?
Apparently you must really like the song to make such a good map as this. There could use a little bit more color and scenery, maybe.
wow! that just about sums it up! this map is very well made and it has good balance do to the fact that there is no sword! great job flymingo p.s. is the sig forum closed cause i want my sig.
I don't really get the main picture of this map, is it a slayer map? An objective map? Either way it looks superb!
i like it it has good interlocking but it seems kinda blank to me you could ad a few bunkers and stuff but other than that it looks good so ya nice job
i love lupe but that song is probably one of his wost as for the map it looks pretty sick. a lot of good interlocking. i really like that one top fence wall thing thats up above the man cannons. overall probably a 8.5/10 maybe a 9/10 for refrencin Lupe. 100th post btw
some good ol' fashion lack of cover. its very unsheltered from gun fire, and a good sniper can own the map. i also think the addition of the sword would HELP the map. just cause theres a sword doesnt mean the maps unfair. learn to counter it. now, for the less "negative" part: GAMEPLAY: 4 ASTHETICS: 3 DESIGN: 4 LAYOUT: 4 ORIGINALITY: 4.5 OVERALL: 3.9/5 with just a little bit of thought and work, this map could be completely awesome. Its still very good right now, theres just things that could be improved upon. Good work.
Very clean and cool looking map If I could change it, I would add some small objects and extra options that enable you to climb up on top of the structures faster. It seems like in some places (like the center at ground floor) that you would be a bit stuck with no options to go upward.
I dont like it at all because it does not look like you put that much time into it and you should interlock more of the stuff so it looks nicer man i give it a 6/10