Parched Solace A precious few drops reward the wandering who seek to slake their thirst, but seldom will passage be uncontested. 4-12 players Author: Brute Captain Parched Solace is probably my best work that will be around for awhile for the Legendary Map pack. I love Ghost Town, an instant favorite for me. Aesthetically it is one of the most gorgeous maps. And that being the case, I tried very hard to retain its aesthetic quality by putting very much time into every detail of forging put into this map. Many of the changed you will notice, but they will look great. Most of the changes you will likely not notice, because I have blended many things right in with the map. Map Geometry: This is still the same basic geometry as the default Ghost Town, because it cannot be altered that signifigantly. But, I will provide you all the infromation on the changes. First off, the platforms that hug the edge of the central buildings have been, "completed". The gaps between them have been filled in with an excellent look. Also, above those same walkways I have added over hangs, providing a real sense of having cover above you as you walk. You can get on top of all the overhangs, but sometimes it may prove difficult, and for good reason. One of the other changes I made was the inside of the defenders' base. I added two platforms and bloked off the hole. I also added an overhang on the wall above the Mongoose. A board was placed between a gap on the overlooking area of the base. At the default rocket spawn I have constructed a base like area. I placed, merged, and interlocked several platforms. Other than that there are a good number of other small changes but I will leave it to you to try and discover them. Gametype: There is no specific gametype for Parched Solace. Compatibility: Parched Solace functions just as well as the default Ghost Town does for all gametypes and settings. Weapons: 1 Magnum, 2 Needlers, 1 Plasma Pistol, 3 Assault Rifles, 8 Battle Rifles, 3 Carbines, 1 Shotgun, 5 SMG's, 1 Sniper Rifle, 4 Spikers, 1 Rocket Launcher, 2 Brute Shots, 1 Mauler, 2 Plasma Rifles, and a Flamethrower. Equipment: Bubble Shield, Power Drain, Grav Lift, Regenerator, Overshield, and Active Camo. Forge Filter(s): No Vehicles: 2 Mongeese Players: 4-12 Link To Download: Parched Solace Screenshots:
lookin good brute i like the tree in the first pic and how you added some ..idk what their called, the gutter type things lol gives it good visual appeal
when i first played on this map i was skeptical be it plays great and i love all the map geometry interlocking !
Thanks, yeah and I agree, it may not seem like much but all the little things add up and can offer a lot of great gameplay.
Very cool, but the wooden plank across the gap (the one with the Needler) is kinda lazy. I personally would rather just jump. No hurt feelings mmmk?
Hmmm... I disagree. You obviously haven't actually seen it, there is nothing lazy about it. It looks well interlocked and is quite smooth. As for jumping, it actually makes a difference.
Just for the people who had played it a few hours before release, I made one last minute change. Because there was already a shotgun, I replaced the sword with a mauler to limit the control over the map.
I loved this map when i got to play it the merging was fantastic, and all the interlocking and floating must have taken for ever. Anyway you had to use the photo of the headshot you got on me with the sniper didn't you lol any ways great job man
The merging in this is top notch i had to take a double look at the fence merged into the hole in the base.. wow. all the walkways look very well aligned as well from an aesthetic point of view it looks very nice this get my d/l so i can see how gameplay is. 9/10 for aesthetics
Nice job of merging the fence wall into the floor! I like that hole, personally, but it does make for one too many ways to get into the defender base. Ghost Town is by far my favorite map for H3; I love it. One of these days I'll get around to finally Forging it, but until then I'll be checking out yours.
The little alterations look like a nice evolution of ghost town. I too am impressed with the clean merging of the fence wall into the hole, very cool. The barriers add a nice bit of aesthetics to the walkways. Shade yourself from that harsh sun spartans! A tanned spartan is a dead spartan!
Oh, it's you. I haven't seen you in a while, and I'm glad you noticed my post. And I agree, I like Ghost Town very much, it is actually one of the better maps to forge on.
i really love the concept of this map, the whole "parched ground" thing is something i can relate to since i'm australian. it's great how you use the barricades/barriers/whatever (can't remember what they are called) as rooflike things, it really gives the feeling as if the people are/were trying to protect themselves. great job man and any map with a decent storyline (like this one) is winz.