
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Mander, Jul 7, 2009.

  1. L1F3K1LLS

    L1F3K1LLS Ancient
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    so far it seems like an amazing map. I'm tempted to go to forge and dissect it, but I don't want to give away any part of it I haven't reached yet.

    speaking of which, I'm stuck on puzzle 4/5. I got past the first death and dropped down the chute, but now I'm stuck on the next part. I assume there's a ghost jump or something up to the ledge, but I can't seem to find it. I may be way off. If anyone can give me a hint or something drop me a PM on the board or get at me on Live please. GT = L1F3K1LLS

    I want to get to BuddhaCrane's part. Re on Carnation is the map that got me into puzzle maps
  2. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Oh Hai Gaiz!

    Very nice post Mander and it was great to be part of it. I wish I could've given you more of my time, but that comment about dragging myself away from FFXI is just so true! You guys all did good to put up with me :D

    The amount of originality put into all these puzzles is truly fantastic. Having multiple people work on a puzzle map really does give the overall piece some great diversity, even if it does make puzzle design and flow a logistical nightmare for all involved!

    Lolz at the people saying the mancannon is broke. It ain't broke, you just ain't got it working yet - These puzzles don't solve themselves people! ;)
  3. o0SuperSamuri0o

    o0SuperSamuri0o Ancient
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    While I was reading through the post all I could think was "who in their right mind would rate this thread anything less than five stars". Must be some prick of a little kid who's jealous that this maps getting all the attention, and his 10-minute map isn't.

    Anywho- great post and marvelous map. I haven't beat it yet but the forging is exquisite! I fell so smart whenever i solve a challenge. Amazing job everybody and 5 stars from me!
  4. MlgObiWan

    MlgObiWan Ancient
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    I played this map and loved it. It' clear that you guys put more time, effort, and thought into this map than what goes into the standard ForgeHub map. I've already nominated this for a feature and think that ForgeHub should temporarily overlook their bias to Minigame maps, and take a look at the creativity and great forgework demonstarted in this map. If they do, they might realize that this is a masterpiece and deserves to be featured.
  5. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    WOW! WOW! WOW! No wonder this map was so anticipated, the interlocking and the aesthetics are perfect. Besides that this map is really hard! I'm gonna be hard at work with this for a very long time, and I'll probably pout in a corner if I ever beat it. (Key word: if)
  6. purpledinosaur0

    purpledinosaur0 Ancient
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    Even though all of these challenges are amazing, I must say that the second structure you enter after you die is so amazingly laid out and complicated. Their were so many parts that me and my party got stuck on. I love how confusing it was at the beggining but then everything seems to come together after you figure out the trip mine room. Great w.ork

    YEE MAN IZ BAK Ancient
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    The effort and hard work we put into this map was agonizing, I think it was worth it tho great job team. Anyone playing this we hope you enjoy playing it as much as we did making it!
  8. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    This puzzle wants me to punch a baby in the face. It's not much to do with intelegence or actual puzzles you have to solve its about glitches that pretty much no one knows about. So i give it a 5/10 for dificulty 10/10. Besides if tyler1 wasnt in it then that takes away most of the point.
    #48 Silent oo death, Jul 11, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2009
  9. TecH

    TecH Ancient
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    Oh really, if it's not actual puzzles you have to solve than what is it? In my oppinion that's what makes a good puzzle, actually that's the point of puzzles. I'd like to see you make a puzzle with original ideas that nobody has used before. It's not as easy as it seems, that's what makes me disapointed in puzzles these days, it's like no one cares about the forge or ideas any more. I hope you know You basicly just dissed 6 puzzle makers in one comment. By the way, you spelt "Tyler1's" name wrong. It's Tylyr1. If your gonna be a fan of someone atleast know how to spell their name right.
  10. Mander

    Senior Member

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    I suppose everybody's entitled to their opinion, but if I understand yours correctly (it was a bit hard to understand due to grammar errors) you're saying that glitches aren't puzzles and that's what this map's all about. I actually agree that a glitch alone isn't a puzzle, nor is it a real challenge to just try random things in hope of discovering a glitch. But that's not what this map is about. Yes, we have glitches in it, but the glitches themselves aren't the challenges, we utilize them in a way that requires you to use that thing called a brain, in order to pass the challenge. There is some amount of logic required to solve every challenge in this map. My whole section revolves around logic rather than glitches. The glitches just provide you the mere tools you need in order to solve the challenge. We incorporate glitches because people find them fun, and they make the puzzle a lot more entertaining, but they are not the challenges themselves.

    So yeah, that's my response to your reply. Thanks for the 10/10 though, but please don't punch any babies. That's not a very nice thing to do.
  11. tylyr1

    tylyr1 Ancient
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  12. actualdoor

    actualdoor Ancient
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    I'm kinda disappointed with the difficulty of this puzzle map. i like all the ideas except for the killball and mancannon-regen jumping part besides those 2 parts it was a little too easy. i give it a 8/10
  13. TyIsSOFLY

    TyIsSOFLY Ancient
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    I really like the map... exept for challenge 13. I think its one of those stupid challenges that you have to know where to shoot in order to rikishay a bullet into something. If its not one of those, please tell me. If it is, could someone tell me where to shoot! 11/10
  14. DeadLock25

    DeadLock25 Ancient
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    I haven't had much time to play or check it out but i'm downloading now and looking forward to playing this. Congrats for making what looks to be a great and intriguing puzzle map.
  15. Estmid

    Estmid Ancient
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    WOAH! This is possibly the greatest challenge of a puzzle map I have ever laid eyes upon, no joke. I checked out the map and i am still stuck on the 3rd challenge. Love the effort and time put into this and I congradulate the makers each challenge. =O 5/5
  16. tylyr1

    tylyr1 Ancient
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    I can update my time right? Because one of my friends was saying that you can only do one submition, but in the rules I think it said you could update it. So can I?

    YEE MAN IZ BAK Ancient
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    Only one submission per player. If you put a video on your file share and then get a better time after, you may replace the video in your file share and submit a new post with the updated link and a note saying that it's an updated video.
  18. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Beat it. Thank ****ing god. I spent at least 3-4 hours on this, good job man. It's not really the puzzles that confused me... the longest one took me to figure out was a half hour, and only cause I missed a step. It's the skill jumping that really got to me... especially the big jump after the pallet door and the equipment jump. Not gonna post my vid, as I know it'll take me a really long time to do this. My friend is pretty good at this, he helped me with a lot of this, and he's good at the jumps as well, so I'll suggest to him to get a video up even though he doesn't need live time.
  19. Aaronator

    Aaronator Ancient
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    Can u answer something for me.

    Ok so i throw the regen down the hole and kill myself. i go back pallet door is gone but how do i get the regen so i can make the jump across the skybox?
  20. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    You are supposed to throw it and actually use it, so that its already in its healing stage while its traveling down, then you must quickly jump down and go before it blows up.

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