I know this is very basic but when I was messing around, it started looking good so I ran with it, this is the final product- It only took a bout a half hour to make. Let me know what you think.
Looks way too busy, it hurts my eyes. The text and graphic are very hard to see because of that background.
K I made another one lol.. tell me what you think of it... Linkin Park took about 20 mins.. was testing out a few new brushes I realize its very dark.... any tips on how to lighten colors up? EDIT: V2(lightened up and border added) I realize its still dark but I want it to be dark...
Thx... I actually like the 2nd one better... Lol sorry linubidux about jacking your thread xD EDIT: Linubidux, I'm going to redo the LP signature tonite and I'll post it on here, if you don't mind.... Edit: I'm proud to present V2 And I think your thread has been officially jacked xD
I like this, very basic yet it works very well. The only thins I can say about this is to increase the size of your name. Its too small and a little blurry. And the red LP looks really cool, but it looks a bit low quality/pixelated.
I like the yoda best(the yoda is actually a ps brush..) Well, heres another stars brush i did... (later, i'm thinking about making his light saber a neon red..) More or less the same kinda style... Crap.... forgot to add border lol...