PARALLEL Symmetrical, MLG-styled map for up to six players in Slayer, Team Slayer or CTF. -- Download Link -- Introduction:Made this a while ago, late last year, when I started getting Forge withdrawal symptoms. It’s probably my best-made, most well-rounded map to date, and the only completely inescapable one, but I never published it because I felt it lacked so much originality and creativity. On that note, it’s great for MLG settings (given you delete a few weapons and some equipment). The map is set up for Slayer, Team Slayer and CTF. I would recommend 2v2 mostly, to flesh gameplay out a little. 1v1s can be pretty decent on it though. I’m not entirely sure how CTF would go as I never played a game of it on the map. This wasn’t something I put as much effort into touching up as other maps, but fits nicely as a simple, competitive Foundry map for a low player count. Also, just in case anyone brings it up, while it's good for MLG, this isn't strictly an MLG map, and doesn't belong in the MLG map board. Description: The map is enclosed from one side, locking gameplay into the “Locker” end of Foundry in a U-shape around the built-in wall. The back wall features a walkway a la the sides of Onslaught, and a Mancannon-Grav-Lift reminiscent of Lockout in the middle. It connects to the centre-piece of the map stuck on to the end of the original wall, an octagon with a Bridge pillar in the middle of it. The faces of the octagon branch out to each side symmetrically, and in a stairway to the top of the back wall. The sides of the map feature geomerged and interlocked defensive obstacles, I guess you could call them – shapes to jump over and across from the rear bases. The locker room on each side is defended by a geomerged Fence Wall interlocked with a Shield Door. I wouldn’t usually mention such a detail but each one was a ***** to place. And that’s pretty much it. There are small spawn hive rooms under the back wall, the rest is small details for cover reminiscent of the MLG playstyle. The map is mostly pretty open, but spawns should be mostly safe unless you’re the victim of some pretty good sniping. Weapon Set: 6 x Battle Rifles, 60 second respawn and 1 spare clip. 2 x Carbines, 60 second respawn and 1 spare clip. 2 x Plasma Pistols, 60 second respawn. 2 x Plasma Rifles, 60 second respawn. 1 x Sniper, 150 second respawn and 2 spare clip. 1 x Mauler, 120 second respawn and 1 spare clip. 6 x Plasma Grenades, 20 second respawn. 6 x Frag Greades, 20 second respawn. 1 x Bubble Shield, 150 second respawn. 1 x Power Drain, 150 second respawn. The Mauler replaced a Shotgun behind the pillar and the Sniper became the main power weapon after a few tests. Originally there were 2 Snipers on the map, and Rockets up on Top Wall, then 2 Snipers on the map, and a Needler Top Wall (that was even more overpowered than Rockets), then I reluctantly cut one of the Snipers and made the other the central power weapon, it drags most gameplay up around the Wall. Screenshots: An overview of the main section of the map. From the right across is the back wall and ledge, on the left the centre octagon. Looking back in the direction the first screen came from. One of the spawn hives can be seen under that spawn bridge, and access on to the back wall. A look out towards the centre octagon from that lower spawn. A look down towards the centre octagon and the flanks of the map from Top Wall Overview of one side from the stairs connecting the octagon to Top Wall. One side’s objective area and main locker, plus their ramp up to the octagon. And a look out from that side, including the locker, to the back wall. Last overview of the flanks, I promise. Top Wall, the landing area for the mancannon. Lastly, a shot down the mancannon well, including the little Fence Wall landing there with the Sniper spawn. Well, that's it for Foundry from me. Enjoy.
Ouch, I figured Foundry maps might be a little less popular, but not a single reply? That's a little unfair isn't it?
I will post! u got 1 post! yays. lol now the map. Foundry is over dude, this is gotta be your last. But i will still rate, nonetheless. and ddue its a SATURDAY get outside as i did but now i had 2 go home cuz showers is important. im doin this quick. The map itself looks very good, looks like a solid standard layout. Like the lift 2 sniper and I really aM PERPLEXED. In pics 1, 2, 5, 7, and 8 there's reciever nodes as some sort of cover? Thats confusing, cuz you can walk right through it and i think ppl can shoot through it, idk. Unique. I like it. 5/5. (Now get to Sandbox!) -Dylan
I've had this map pretty much finished since before Sandbox, just never posted it. And it's Sunday here, so I'm cool. The nodes can be walked through but not shot through, they act as permanent mini Bubble Shields. And apparently they're not unique but I haven't seen them anywhere else. Thanks for the comment.
NO! Foundry is not over. A lot of things can still come out of Foundry as long as you can be creative. As for the map. It is a good solid map. It has a basic layout but was executed nicely. And there is decent forging but a few things could be cleaned up to look nicer. While I do like how you blocked off part of Foundry, I think you could've done more with the map if you had used the entirety of Foundry. Instead of using those walls to block off part of the map, utilize them and other objects into the map.
Personally I don't think I ever made a tidier Foundry map, what areas looked messy to you? The worst section I can think of is the walling over the mancannon, otherwise I was pretty happy with it. And it was always my plan to limit the size of the map into a flatter U Shape. If I did use parts of the wall to fill in the other half of Foundry, the standard of any new structures would be lower, and probably inhibit map flow. Instead, I just recommend a lowish player count.
I've played a 1v1 with my bro yesterday, and I have to say, I am pleased with the game play. Not only were the aesthetics of the map great, but also the game play. The top wasn't as overpowering as I imagined and every structure has its purpose which plays such a great part in each game. I found the man-cannon a nice touch to Parallel but there were some instances where I go there and I end up in the bottom middle of the map, which is where I am not suppose to be. Nice job on this one.
Yeah I had trouble perfecting the mancannon, and obviously in the end didn't do so. It's still much better than it was, thanks to the roof over the well there shaping the jump. You used to be able to get to the top of the Octagon roof. Thanks very much for playing and replying.