
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by TDH, Jul 10, 2008.


What do you think of the map?

  1. Great

    76 vote(s)
  2. Good

    12 vote(s)
  3. Not bad

    1 vote(s)
  4. Poor

    0 vote(s)
  5. Terrible

    0 vote(s)
  1. TDH

    TDH Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Paragon is a small 2v2 asymmetric map, the recommended game types
    are Para-flag, Para-bomb and Team slayer (to 25 points).
    Without the custom One flag and One bomb variants game play is poor so
    I strongly suggest that you download them (There is a link to download
    the game types at the bottom of this post).

    Paragon features 2 main hallways and several side hallways which all
    have a roof thus making it impossible to escape the map. The map was
    built to look as aesthetically pleasing as possible without sacrificing
    enjoyable game play; I have tested the map thoroughly to ensure that
    game play is balanced and enjoyable for each of the recommended game
    types. The map was made for 2v2 thus the size of the map is small,
    however the map could possibly work for 3v3 although it isn't recommended.

    Above is an accurate layout map of paragon, below are screen shots taken
    during the final One flag tests on the map.
    The defenders have a re-generator which can prove effective for a
    duration of time if placed wisely.
    The rockets spawn half way through the 3 minute round at 1:30,
    experienced players learn to remember this so they can take the rockets
    before their opponents.
    The curved nature of the geometry can create some interesting shots
    as shown above where the sniper bullet has ricocheted down the
    defenders hallway almost hitting the flag carrier.
    The quickest yet most dangerous hallway is a fast way to sneak the flag
    out of the defenders base at the risk of being blown up.
    To capture the flag you need to jump over the flag return point,
    this may seem a little odd but once you know it's no problem at all.
    Also notice the curved roof made from bridges which is a feature of both
    the attackers and defenders bases.
    The attackers main hallway's 'cobwebs' offer a small amount of cover
    as well as some very interesting aesthetics.
    Below shows the small attackers hallway which is the longest route from
    the attackers base to the defenders. The attacker's sniper spawns in the
    The final screen below shows the defender's small side passage which can
    be used for sneaky purposes, it is also where the defender's sniper spawns.

    Weapon List:

    2 x Sniper (90 second re-spawn)
    1 x Rocket (90 second re-spawn doesn't spawn at start)
    4 x Battle Rifle (45 second re-spawn)
    2 x Carbine (45 second re-spawn)
    2 x Plasma Rifle (45 second re-spawn)
    2 x Plasma grenade (45 second re-spawn)
    7 x Grenade (10/20 second re-spawn)

    Thanks to all the people who helped test especially caboose for being there every time we did, special thanks to Insane and Matty for their ongoing help and finally thanks to Roche for placing a fusion coil!

    As usual all feedback on the map is welcomed
    also tell me if you spot any mistakes with this post!

    Download Links:
    Paragon Map
    Para-Flag Game type
    Para-Bomb Game type

    #1 TDH, Jul 10, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2008
  2. Matty

    Matty Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have had the joy of bieng able to watch this project from start to finish, and all i can say is congratulations on such a high quality piece.

    The architecture is stunning, beyond comprehension. The gameplay is fast paced, and action packed. A photo finish to such a maginificent map.
    #2 Matty, Jul 10, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2008
  3. Epic Tusk

    Epic Tusk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks awesome Tom. I really want to get a game on this later with some people. Just wondering what is the different about the two game types?
  4. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    my god, i must have this now. this is definately the highlight of the forum for me as of late.
  5. Smeagle

    Smeagle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh wow, another amazing map by TDHarding.
    This map is almost perfect in my eyes.
    A feature in the making?.....YES!
    The cobwebs and the curved bridge ceilings are the best part.
    But every other part of the map is freakin' sweet too.
    I hope you become premium.
  6. Flameberge14

    Flameberge14 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks like it could be an actual map by bungie! I like it! I also like the overhead layout, curios how you got the pics for it...
    You have my download for sure
  7. soccerholic1816

    soccerholic1816 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This has to be one of the most aesthetically pleasing maps we've seen in quite awhile. I can't wait to see how it plays. Looks great! Another amazing map from TDHarding.
  8. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
    Senior Member

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    OMG This is the best map EVER! You should be given candy for being so great. If I was half as great as you at making maps, I would be god!!@!@!@!@!@#[​IMG]
  9. The God of Grunge


    Likes Received:
    this looks really great. The 'cobwebs' are really damned cool, and it looks great for CTF. I DL and get back to you on gameplay.
  10. an old granny51

    an old granny51 Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    One word... Wow!
    This map is awesome from its perfect interlocking to a great slayer map this is a great map. 4.8/5
  11. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Very, very pleasing.

    The presentation of the map looks as pleasing as the map itself, and I always appreciate that. Very nice geo-merging, and I love to see it actually used to enhance gameplay. The aesthetics are nice as well, and they appear as if they attribute to the gameplay as much as they do the looks of the map.

    How bad is the gameplay with normal gametypes? You said it was bad, but I want to know just how bad. Most people don't like to download gametypes, and it would be nice to play something other than TS here. CTF is my favorite gametype; so, just how bad is it, or is it something I'd need to check out for myself?
  12. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This beter make feature! *Hint hint*
  13. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    after playin a round on it, i have to say, i dont feel the need for 2 snipers and 0 CQ weapons on one of the MOST Close Quarters maps ive ever seen.

    other than the weapon complaint, i got none because its pure awesome. im sure you just didnt want campers, but i would've liked some form of watered down [low ammo, long spawn] close range weapon.
  14. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this looks like an extremly well put together map, the arches look so smooth, i love the curved tunnels, ctf looks very fun, this looks like a great 2v2 map, great job on another great map.
  15. awesome this rocks so hard i love the asthetics
  16. soccerholic1816

    soccerholic1816 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I would think that the Plasma Rifles fill a good roll as the CQ weapons, without being too powerful though.
  17. TDH

    TDH Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Basically to make the overhead layout I just took plenty of overhead shots with the roof removed, I made sure each screen was at the same distance from the ground so It looked as real as possible. Then I loaded them all up in Photoshop and patched them together. To find the weapon icons I went on the Halo Wiki site and found the overhead map layout's that Bungie did and I cut out the Icons from there and stuck 'em on.

    Thanks, I wouldn't suggest using the default game types as the game play would be considerably worse; this is mainly due to the small size of the map which means that re-spawns on the flag and such need to be reduced. Also another key change is that grenade starts have been turned off because with them on there is an unbearable amount of fragging.

    I'm glad you generally enjoyed playing the map, I think If close quarters weapons were added then it would have resulted in camping and too many cheap kills. The 2 snipers only have 4 shots each and prove to act as quite a good CQ weapon as no scopes are frequent on this map.
  18. The Nasal Abyss x

    Senior Member

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    This is a great map, I love the possibilities with the sniper because of the curvature!

  19. Own3dyoo

    Own3dyoo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this is a pretty awesome map
    great layout design and everything
  20. The God of Grunge


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    Ok, after a playthrough, this map needs a feature. the weapon set is perfect, the gameplay is spot-on, and the spawns are phenominal

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