New Map Pack From all The 99 Forgers Member ! VorteX (Evolved) : BTB version of the map VorteX from Fire Pheonix and me on the first floor of sandbox with a lot of crazy structure on it for a great chooper fight . Open area for sniper and close one for shotgun kill ! 99 Forgers Member work on : NoX Ripshaw Fire Pheonix117 Teh Aions Too Many113 Jay Dogg Atlas Air : In work but picture coming soon . 99 Forgers Member work on : Exalted Ice NoX Ripshaw Delta 38ion Untited Snakes : BTB map on the first floor of Sandbox . This map will reminds you Sandtrap with those big angled towers everywhere on the map for a banshee domination but laser and missile pod will make you file bad : ( 99 Forgers Member worked on : NoX Ripshaw Titou du 78 Sharp Fox Coming this Summer ...
I have seen united snakes. It uses to be called the shrine I believe. I have a friend who is apparently a file share stalker but don't worry I won't release any info about it.
United snakes looks quite cool.. Kinda digging the structures and the map itself looks like it would flow rather well.. Dont particularly like the first one though.. But yeah, it'll be nice to see what the second one turns out like.