Ok, ya'll. If I were to get a new phone, i'm looking at Pantech, but i'm not sure. Should I get the Pantech: Matrix: Pantech Matrix - blue (AT&T) Cell Phone reviews - CNET Reviews or the Duo: Pantech Duo C810 (AT&T) Smartphone reviews - CNET Reviews The biggest difference between the two is that the Duo has Windows Mobile 6 while the Matrix just has a regular UI. There are a few aesthetic differences between the Duo and the Matrix like the Matrix's QWERTY has a much better feel to it than the flatter Duo QWERTY but I really don't like the Matrix's Circular Navigation keys. Another aesthetic thing is that there are reports that say the Duo has a flimsier and a looser slide in comparison the the Matrix which has a little click on it's slide. Help?
Ok hope you don't mind but just asking... why a pantech? Is it specific for your phone service provider or something? BTW since when have you cared about what other people thought lol just messin w/ ya
No because these two phones are real similar just different interfaces and aesthetic differences. Anyway, I have Cingular and i'm not in the mood to pay over $100 for a phone. So these two phones are the only ones left that i'm liking.
Oh ok then. I would say the first one, the matrix you should get then. Btw i didn't know cingular was still around. Isn't it At&t? That's what I have
Yeah I just call the wireless branch of AT&T, Cingular, and everything else like Landlines and Internet, AT&T so people don't get confused. Anyway, the only thing that I hate, and I mean HATE, is the fact that the Matrix looks like a perfect cube, but it's navigational keys are circular. Like what the ****, what happened to flow?
I still think it's better. The other phone reminds me too much of the ones my parents had 5 years ago lol.
The pantech has to be the best looking to me but remember gameplay > aesthetics at all times so i would go with the duo
The duo's just looks like their phones And you said that the matrix also has better feeling buttons even though they are round so imo that has the better function
no no Matrix has a bad navigational keys but better keyboard while the Duo has better navigational keys with a keyboard with less tactile response and it's flatter.
Just get one that works. I'm still using a Motorola L6. I'm not so out-of-touch as to have a Nokia 3310, but the Motorola L6 is pretty old. Don't get an iPhone though. Sony Erricsons and Nokias are good. I'd pick one that you've suggested but frankly I've never heard of them.
I currently have a Sony Ericcson w810i. I was originally going to get a K850i but I decided that i'd much rather go with a cheaper phone.
I really want an iphone lol. And I have the money 4 it too. And it should be pretty functional with my mac. Now I just need my parents to let me get it. Aarrgh.
I would never want an iPhone. I text more than I call, and with an on-screen keyboard, texting will be a nightmare.