
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Spaceneil8, Feb 19, 2011.

  1. Spaceneil8

    Spaceneil8 Ancient
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    (Eco friendly version)

    Designed by Solo XIII
    Forged by Spaceneil8

    Panic started off as a design I received from Solo for one of the submissions. I was having a rough time with the maps I was working on and I decided to ask Solo for an old design of his that I could forge. He gave me this design. He initially forged it in Halo 3 but never released it. I'm happy to finally release it to the public. It is a pretty large map, and the lines of sight are very open. I found that this type of map complements the DMR, Evade, and Sprint quite nicely. Panic plays King and Team Slayer the best, but Territories, Oddball and Flag are set up for it. The Eco-friendly version is made with less than 4000 forge dollars. I have not experienced any frame rate problems on split screen on the eco version.

    Major Weapons:

    Rockets at the end of Green Tunnel.
    Snipers at each initial spawn.
    Camo at the Camo walkway.
    Evade at each side hill (right below each initial spawn)
    Grenade Launcher at Top Green.
    Health packs are at bottom blue, red tunnel, and green tunnel.

    Additional weapons:
    2 DMRs
    2 NRs
    2 Magnums
    4 Plasma Grenades
    2 Plasma Pistols

    There is a teleporter at bottom blue and it takes you to top green (sender-receiver).

    I recommend running around the regular version of the map to get a feel for the callouts and then proceed to only play on the Eco version.


    Camo walkway (teleporter is right behind it):

    View from Camo walkway:

    Blue spawn:

    Red hill and Green tunnel:

    I'd like to thank Solo, Nimbus, Deathstars, Ladnil, Pulse, a Polish Korean, Fritzster, Tak, Bob, imperium, Zanno, Fragtality, Ace and everybody else that helped test, offer feedback or give emotional support.​
    #1 Spaceneil8, Feb 19, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2011
  2. Randomdude1194

    Randomdude1194 Ancient
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    Lookin' nice. I like the open areas, it really does emphasize how halo gameplay functions. As far as aesthetics, the simple design keeps the focus on the fight and less on the walls. Nicely done.
  3. MyWhiteFlag

    MyWhiteFlag Forerunner

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    Actually, I really like this map, which I wasn't expecting from the pictures. You've made some interesting moves, like including the use of camo and the use of cover glass as railing. I also respect those who make asymmetrical maps, especially for team play.
    I have a problem with how open the map is though, there is very little cover in the center of the map, especially for red team, which coupled with the lack of weapons in the center and there may leave little incentive to move.
    Blue team also have an advantage with the rocket launcher being so close to their spawn. However Red team have a long LOS on the rocket spawn, so a sniper could easily kill Blue players looking for rockets...
    Finally, the map is very large, how many players would you recommend for it?
    Honestly, this is a map I would have to play to understand, but those were just a few things I noticed from a quick forgearound.
  4. Spaceneil8

    Spaceneil8 Ancient
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    It's scaled to be large and open for two reasons. One, it needs to be open so you can't sprint away to escape. And two, it is large so less spamming goes on with the DMR. The scale makes it so players can't just sprint up to you and double beatdown you. I just tried to scale it so it works the best for Reach.

    I do agree that one problem is how the middle is kind of a "no man's land" but the flow of the maps is based around moving around the middle as opposed to moving through it.

    Also, I made sure that the weapon placements are basically even off the initial spawn. Even if Rockets appear closer to blue, the movement distance is nearly the same.

    As for players, if you are playing an arena/mlg type of game, I would recommend 8 players. For something more standard, I would recommend 10-12 players. I might make a separate version for more standard play by adding ARs and other weapons. I might even add a ghost to this map on a standard version. But I'm not sure if making a standard version would be a good idea.

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