Foundry Pandora's Box

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Arbacca, Mar 13, 2009.

  1. Arbacca

    Arbacca Ancient
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    Map Title: Pandora's Box
    If you find yourself in this box, then you must have wronged Pandora. Either that or you just like boxes.
    >>8 Players or less only<<

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    By now, if you haven't already played my maps, you realize I make things that look very pretty, but play not so well. Well, I found myself once again bored while forging. And without the mythic map pack to mess with, I am still limited to Foundry and Avalanche. So, I decided after stacking stairs in an odd matter, I should make a map out of this template. And so I did. The result: A small box for those mindless Slayer games that also throws off all sense of direction. By now, many people should ask me, "Why do hate competitiveness so?" "Because," I will say. "I suck at those games. :|"
    But you see, I am the only person who finds alternatives to those same old Slayer games. PANDORA'S BOX ALSO PLAYS ODDBALL, ASSAULT, AND KING OF THE HILL!!
    Everyone spawns along the edges of the box with random weapons, and it plays well, especially with slayer. Compared to the little out-of-bounds box on the Pit. Will most likely make a version 2.
    Now, for the pictures. There are only 2, but you'll know why.
    Box without the ceiling.
    A look inside Pandora's very torture chamber.

    Pandora was a lonely child. With a short temper, he never gained any friends. And his parents were sucked into his box shortly after he made it. You see, his box works like this: The one the holds the box and then proceeds to open it is sucked in a swirly vortex within the box. This is story of two people who didn't pick up Pandora's pencil when he dropped it.
    "Where do you think we are, Tiffany?"
    "Apparently in some disorienting box. Why, this must be that box Pandora gave us as a 'gift'!"
    "Uh, Tiffany, I have this strange... um... urge."
    "Mrs. Hopkins went over this in sex ed, Max."
    "No, not that. It's just you look so strange... I just want to... hurt you!"
    "I know what you mean, Max. And these strange items that look oddly like weapons from Halo 3 are speaking to me. They say, 'Max must die, for he cooks his meat'. Wait, you cook your meat?!"
    "So! All the new kids are doing it!"
    "That's because they're gay. God, I want to kill you!"
    *Snipes Max, who then reappears across the box.*
    "Hey, I'm back!"
    *Shoots Tiffany repeatedly with a Magnum until she dies.*
    "Hey, you reappear too, Tiffany!"
    "Great. I get to spend eternity either killing or being killed for no reason. By Max. Wait! Something tells me after someone dies 25 times, the game will end..."
    "What game?"
    *Eerie doom and Stephen King music starts playing in the background...*

    PS: I did rate my thread. So suck on that! I beat you guys to the "Terrible!" button!
    #1 Arbacca, Mar 13, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2009
  2. Skanky Toast

    Skanky Toast Ancient
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    Could you provide more of a description of the gametype and how the map plays? Otyerwisenthe story is sortah funny. Maybe some more aesthetics to make it look more line an evil box.
  3. solo172

    solo172 Ancient
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    what is the main premiss of this map could you clerify that please.
  4. Arbacca

    Arbacca Ancient
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    Slayer, a small, tilted box for Slayer, Oddball, King of the Hill, and Assault. But mainly slayer.
  5. supertoaster

    supertoaster Ancient
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    were supposed to play KOTH in a box?... I LOVE IT! so is the actual box that small or like what? i'll DL just cuz i like boxes.
  6. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    Ha!!I'm just like you, I like the fun games that none of my friends like, they all like slayer and mlg stuff , the serious, this would be awesome I it was a little bigger and would probabl play well with fiesta ... Nice job and it looks neat, 4.558749293974758958474940294848494084758949388484&&4&74849039477599$859490304049488499484784930209384874/5.23

    Ummm.. May I ask how it plays with king of the hill???..ain't it a little small.. And with oddball, people would like immedietly drop the ball and get killed like every second ..
  7. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    so... this is basically some random box in some random parking lot? interesting... and i do like boxes, perhaps i will download.

    i like how it isn't a flat box, it has even dimension and an angle. i have no idea how 8 people will work, perhaps 4. and how the hell does king of the hill and assualt work on the map? 0_o
  8. SpeedDemon

    SpeedDemon Ancient
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    I was playing on a map build from a template similar to this, it is so much fun...especially when you bump the sensitivity up to insane (10) and just randomly spin around while shooting at people (with no shields) and see how confused you get when you stop spinning. These kind of maps make me head spin, but they're great!
  9. Arbacca

    Arbacca Ancient
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    They don't work. Well, they don't work great compared to Grifball and stuff. Speaking of which, you can play Grifball on this!!
  10. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    This was an outstanding concept at it's time. This has been done before by BuddahCrane with his Distortion map. This is pretty cool if it's meant to be a template, but maybe a version two with a larger canvas.
  11. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
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    Pretty interesting consept, like said before, this is about who can spawn kill the best :) Which BTW i am extrodinary at XD Hopefully a V2 with a bit of a larger box

  12. Kryticate

    Kryticate Ancient
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    No seriously, I really hope that you were joking when you made this map. It looks neat, but Grifball? Lol, "Bomb Ta-" and before it finishes, "Bomb Armed" and everyone asplodez.
  13. d4rkdemon

    d4rkdemon Ancient
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    a small distorted box, ok, I LOVE IT !!!!!!11!!!!

    i am dlin now 5/5 i love boxes
  14. El3CTRONiC

    El3CTRONiC Ancient
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    "By now, if you haven't already played my maps, you realize I make things that look very pretty"

    thinking high of yourself?

    anyways the point of this map is well, pointless. the idea has already been taken and im pretty sure it was featured...

    id suggest a more thought out description instead of this story which seems written by a 10 year old
  15. Arbacca

    Arbacca Ancient
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    Haha, it's comments like this I live for!
    I don't really think high of myself, I believe pride is for whores, haha. This whole thing is just for fun, but it seems your mind has been too corrupted by matchmaking and extreme competitive games too truthfully enjoy this. But fear not! My v2 will be larger, and even more crazy! And if you still cannot find a little piece of you to enjoy this map, well then sir, this map is not for you.
  16. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    I dont really get this? So you always spawn in that box? Isnt it a bit easy to spawn kill or something? seems a tad tiny....
  17. Arbacca

    Arbacca Ancient
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    You can't spawn kill, seeing as half the time you are watching a respawn camera, and the other half spawning along each of the four walls in the box. And it is a tad tiny... I might come out with a v2. Not likely.
    And whoever posted that thing about Grifball, yes, it does go "Bomb Ta- Bomb Armed." Pretty funny, since people new to this map have no idea what happened in those few seconds. And it's all a matter of who swings first...

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