Pictures [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] Downloads: Download Map: Carrier 490 Gametypes: normal medium INSANE This map only works with those gametypes
A little more pictures of the interior spaces of the ship would have been nice, but if your game type allows vehicle use for the humans, couldn't they just fly away and spawn kill the zombies? The whole story was great including the bosses, gives you a sort of left for dead storyline...hmm? good job and keep forging.
i explaned in the gametype thing that humans cant drive anything oh never mind sorry i forgot to add that in well humans cant drive anything
Looks like a good map, but I'm pretty sure you need to have only the title of the map for the title of the thread, nothing more, nothing less. Also, I see you tried hard to make the post appealing, similar to "Help's on the way, right?" but I really didn't find it appealing, and I think it would be much easier to read if you just typed it on the thread. At any rate, it looks like a great map, it reminds me of the aircraft carriers in Battlefield 1943. It's a big relief to find that humans can't drive vehicles. I like gametypes that have different types of zombies for the humans to fend off, and this looks like a great one. Tell Krieger I said hi. :] 8.5/10 + DL
sorry i post all my maps like that its a tradition ever since i posted my first infection map on here
Breakdown of jakob hunter's Carrier 490 CARRIER 490 The fifth and final part of the PANDEMIC map pack,it truly sets itself apart from the rest of the maps in the series in the sense that for the first time, the humans seem to be fleeing from the zombies, whereas Town on the Bay and Light House let the players hide out in the designated safety areas and defend for as long as they could, Carrier 490 gives the zombies the advantage for once and makes you feel more predator like in your attacks. Town on the Bay featured the Fishing house basement, where humans would eventually resort to hiding in to survive the last few minutes, Skyskrayper presents the roof, where if the humans where careful and aggressive enough, could make it to the four power weapons and fight off the Undead. Light House features the, well, Light House, where humans could either hide inside of snipe from above. Carrier 490 features non of these things, and instead, sports cramped barracks, a semi-broken control tower and a hell of a lot of paranoia. The claustrophobic barracks work nicely with the PANDMEIC gametype, and allow the zombies to be the ones doing most of the killing this time. There's really no area here where the humans can camp out, every area has multiple entrances or ways for the zombies to infilatrate the humans shoddy defenses. This map really preys on the humans weaknesses, no radar, little ammo (with all the cover you'll frequently miss shots) and poor teamwork will all contribute to a quick zombie win. Another thing this map presents is the introduction of three new Boss Zombies. There's a Rocket Zombie, a Missle Pod Zombie and my personal favorite, the Brute Shot Zombies. These new zombies are fearsome, and will make quick work of any unsuspecting humans. While all these things I've listed may make this map sound impossible, therefore not fun. Quiet the opposite. Humans still have fun, and can hold their own against zombies if they play their cards right, but this is a map that can't help but feel designed specifically for the undead. Which leads me to my only complaint, since this map isn't the most human-friendly map out there, it's design tends to feel confusing for the human. The first few playthroughs will leave the human confused, guaranteed. Humans will wander around trying to figure out what in the world it is they need to do, which will leave some people unsatisfied. But you have my word, that if you give this map a chance, it'll pay off in the long run. In conclusion, the PANDEMIC map pack is a welcome introduction into the Halo Custom Games world, like I've said numerous times before, the whole experience is something entirely unique, and will leave you clamoring for more. I've played this map pack for probably 3 to 4 hours so far total, and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. Keep up the good work jakob, and let's hope for many more new creations in the future.
the idea was pretty much that behind this one i really wanted to add a new element to PANDEMIC for differant play style with out changing it to much which is why i added the brute shots missel pods and rocket launcher zombies to make it a bit more of a challenge i just wish i included Brute shot ones in some of the other packs just see how it would work out. P.S to all forge hub there is one honor rule for this map:humans can jump on eachothers heads and get into a zombie spawn w oversheilds it isnt to much of a deal because they r extremely vulnerable but it takes away from the game sorta so just dont do it.