Hello, all time for me to post another switch cuz i havent in awhile, but here it is! its a new type of lever that has wiring and a new type of mechanism thingy or whatever..... the way it works is it isnt operational until 10 secs into the round, then the coil isnt pushed yet because the game doesnt realize its there until physical contact, so the cannon is there and the coil is touching the barrels which when u push the pallet it touches the barrel and sends vibrations through to touch the coil and activate the switch WAIT 10 SECONDS INTO THE ROUND UNTIL YOU ACTIVATE IT!!! Otherwise it will not work . PICS overview Heres a pic of the wiring, see the pallet hits the coil into the barrel Me pushing the lever to the right on the left side setting off the elevator ( on the side theres an explosion and stuff like a min/max) getting to the top =] goatnuts420 pushing the lever to the lieft from the left.... which closes the elevator shaft off limits lol DOWNLOAD LINK
That is crazy awesome. One thing I'm wondering. What if I destroy the pallet? The switch is brokens? Anywho, it's a oneshot, yeah? Because if you move it one way, is it just going to respawn back to default position?
What would be cool is if pushing the switch to the right makes the elevator go up and pushing it to the left, makes it go down.
thats possible waylander, I could actually help pmp make that, if my mom hadn't taken my xbox out of my room while i was at school Great switch pmp!!!
wow thats sweet ^_^ i dl it and will take a better look at it. Love the concept of the elevator going up and down(locked i guess). But couldn't this may be used other then a elevator? ( jw )
very well done. Im gonna have to take a closer look at this switch. seems pretty practical. Great stuff man, Id like to see it in a map sometime
That is awesome! I love seeing wire tech being used, and I think its really cool to actually have a lever as a switch. I cant wait to get onto forge and try to implement this into a map before giving up because I lack forge skills. Wait... if you shoot the "lever" does it activate the switch? Queued for download. Props for ingenuity!
Wow. That's all i have to say. A lever has never been made like this before, and it's pretty advanced too. +rep for you sir! I didn't know you knew goatnuts420? Anyways, i'll have to check it out when i get my xbox back.
Wow, very innovative man. Awesome switch, I totally agree with the idea from Waylander. That would be awesome!
Great switch, you should make a map and put a switch like this in it. It would probably work best with an infection map. 5/5
i like the idea... but i think u could have made it better.... this is really creative.... i was waiting for some1 to make this.... if u didnt notice this is Boyle06 from yesterday... nice job on this its nice to see more n more of these coming out.... u no wat u should make.... a switch that is a bot that walks around and shots enemies at the touch of a EASY button that would be win sauce... lol ah ah im waiting for u to make that.... lol nice job on this switch it is really creative... i can see how it can be used in maps to cange g/p i think i might use this i will let u no if i do
i love the pallet switch idea, then they get despesed thats really awesome, i'll download and try it out! but if the pallet switch broke would it mess up the despenser?
yea, and also one more the thing i couldnt find anything else to min/max other than a road block so it takes a wil for it to spawn lol but its a demonstration that it can be used for more than one thing ya no?
Your switches get more advanced every time...I love it. You should get some sort of award for making all of these great switches. An award worthy of your genius would be...THE CHUCK NORRIS AWARD! Anyway, this is by far the most complicated switch I've ever seen, and it's also the best.