3 maps all made this week. Holdout has become a standard gametype on my forums, which is based around simplistic "hold out in the room" infection gametypes, with a few rules for balancing. Viking is, indeed, a unique racetrack. I am in the process of coding a Portfolio website in PHP to hold all of these. Testing will be soon. Palisade MLG and standard Flag and Slayer Cooling Plant Holdout Viking Racing and Battle Racing
The track looks nice so far. For the first one though, the problem I've always had with your competitive maps is how basic they are. From that one picture I can see how open it is. Try using the full potential of the canvases you forge on.
I appreciate it. I can definitely understand where you're coming from in terms of my forging: some of my favorite maps were Matty's early stuff and he always preached "not overcomplicating things," but sometimes I take it too far and leave too much space. I'll see what I can do. In time, in time. It's a preview.