Sandbox Palace Alter v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Killtacullar, May 22, 2009.

  1. Killtacullar

    Killtacullar Ancient
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    Palace Alter v2

    How's everyone doing, after I saw all the comments about my other version, I knew that I could make some improvements, so I decided to bring you a V2, YAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

    This map is not as small and cramp as the other version, but still has the close-courters combat. It is recommended that this map has a limit of 4v4. This map is big in:
    Team Slayer (or Slayer)
    Multi CTF


    Battle Rifle X4
    SMG X2
    Brute Shot X2
    Magnum X2
    Plasma Pistol X2
    Mauler X2
    Frag X4
    Spike X4
    Bubble Shield X1
    Regenerator X1
    Overshield X1
    Active Camo X1

    Click here to download Palace Alter : Halo 3 File Details

    Here are some improved screenshots. LOVE IT! hehe

    Heres another random image.

    Overview of Map.

    Overview of Red Tower side.

    Overview of Blue Tower side.

    Blue side leading to red side. (Center)

    Red side walkways leading to center. (as as other side)

    Blue side tower walkway and blue flag spawn under tower.

    Overview of red side.

    Overview of blue side.

    Red flag spawn under tower, with my dude looking cool and confused, saying "where is everyone?

    #1 Killtacullar, May 22, 2009
    Last edited: May 22, 2009
  2. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Ancient
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    This map looks pretty amazing.
    I love the structures that show the red and blue base.
    Weapon layout seemed ok to. :)

    And a few suggestions for the next one up (if you make a V2).
    With the walls leading down the little staircases, I would smoothen them out just a little more, so it looks more like a curvy wall.
    An a few other objects could of been placed a little better, but that wont stop anyone from DL this map.

    Awesome job.
  3. Leoparddude

    Leoparddude Ancient
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    Wait... whats with the Sandtrap image at the top? Besides that it looks like a decent map. The stairway stood out at me the most. The cons are that maps like this are extremely easy to get out of (I never got the point in getting out, but you catch my drift). Try maybe adding a roof to it, or increase it in size.
  4. RolandDeschain

    RolandDeschain Ancient
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    This is a good map, and like Mr P1b said just straighten up some walls. Looks a little cramped, how many people does this map hold, Anyways, good map 4/5. Keep on forging
  5. Aaronator

    Aaronator Ancient
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    haha didn't you release verson one earlier today?
    well this is much improved. i like how you made it bigger and responded to the comments. i see you made another tower with another curved ramp. really good 1v1 map. possibly a 2v2. i think you should put a roof on it though or make the walls taller. looks like it would play good. when making a map always take care of gameplay first, then add some asthetics. now that you have a good map, go back and add a good structure or atheticaly pleasing object. something that will make your map memoriable.
  6. Runic Aries

    Runic Aries Ancient
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    this looks good but fairly small and easy to escape from, i like how you made a curved stairway but im not sure if its very smooth.
    I dont really see the point in the ramps and wedges on the walls however.

    crap, i was going to say something else, but i started watching southpark and forgot. my bad.
    anyways, 3.7/5 and ill DL

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