Paintball Help

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Huntar, May 21, 2009.

  1. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    Hey Forge Hubbers!
    its huntar, and i need some help buying 2 new paintball markers.
    for speedball, I need something upwards of 15+ bps and 250-500.
    For Scenario i want a durable, highly customizable gun. same price range.
    I want it to be a name brand so i dont have to special order from ****ing china. lol.

    Well, There is two speedball guns im looking at atm.
    The first one being the Invert Mini, its a beast.
    It shoots 20+ bps and is small, which helps me keep tight.

    The second one is a smart parts ion.
    Yes i know everyone has it :p
    But i like it, it can go 15+ bps.

    There is one brand specifically im looking at.
    BT Battle Tested.
    There really reliable, and highly customizable.
    Check out this link.
    BT Paintball - BUILD-A-BT - Custom Paintball Guns - Custom Paintball Markers - Make a Paintball Gun

    So, any other brands or suggestions?
    Me and 3 of my buddies are starting a team so i need to get it soon.
    So please contribute if you know **** about paintball :p

    (posted in General to reduce spam posts.)
  2. ThA n0oBsTer

    ThA n0oBsTer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Customization- Ion, BT
    Preformance- Mini
    Better gun overall that doesnt need customization- Mini
  3. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I would have to go with the Tippmann X-7 for Scenario Games. It's relatively lightweight, and ridiculously customizable. It goes for about $300 (give or take)

    Linkity Link to the X-7.

    I can't really help your for speedball, however...I don't play it. Hope you find what your looking for!
  4. Frito Bandito 7

    Frito Bandito 7 Ancient
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    ok common misconception, just because a gun can go 20bps doesnt mean that you will be firing that quick. Lol ok i bet you can even shoot ropes at 10bps. Also if you are spending about 500 dollars in paintball then i either recommend the Dangerous Power G3 for 300 or the Eclipse Etek2 for 500. Both of those are WAY better than the ion or Mini. G3 is also an excelent gun for woodsball. If you want an authentic gun for wball then buy a tippman A-5. Prime for customization

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