I'm bored, and I feel like making a map. No surprise? I was wondering what the best settings for a paintball map would be in custom games? Insta-kill? Plasma-Pistol? What? I don't know a good weapon because the Covenant Carbine doesn't appear on the list of starting weapons. Halp?
I'd have: Plasma Pistols High Damage Low defence 1 life Infinite ammo: off Weapon pick up: off Motion sensor: low as possible without turning it off. Thats probably as close to real paintball as you'll get. In the real world you know when someone is running up behind you, you can hear them, so thats why I'd put the motion sensor range as low as possible. In paintball you usually try to stay alive more than trying to shoot people so limited ammo and a short range motion sensor brings a sort of stealth aspect in. I think objective games are best if you want realistic paintballs. I've played an assault type game but that probably wouldn't work in the same way in Halo 3, we had barrels in the middle instead of bombs so you could walk along and use them as cover and fire your weapon.