Description This city scape offers both vehicular and close quarters combat. Geared for straight slayer and FFA, 6-8 players. All thats left to do is paint it red Why should you download it? While this map does in fact use a track it has been built for slayer and FFA competitive play. The mix of high speed chases around the track and close quarters combat around the tower really work well here and bring a level experimentation not usually seen in maps for serious playlists. There are opportune crossover moments with landmines, the spartan laser and if your brave enough, the grav hammer. Download it Here: The Track The Tower Have fun playing, please don't forget to leave comments and feedback!
This is a good first post. Welcome to Forgehub! You've joined at particular time when the new site just went up, so things around you should be changing here and there. You map looks fun, but I would add another small structure or two to the outer ring of the map, as there isn't much cover and looks a little under developed. Overall this is a great start, and I hope to see more of you on these forums.
Looks like a great first map, just not a big fan of floating stairs. Looks fun but I would recommend adding more structures around the map because the outside looks very empty.
Thanks for the warm welcome I'll def consider adding another structure around the track portion of the map. Take your time and play test it, if you have some more improvement ideas then let me know. I'm a perfectionist and there is always room for improvement Edit: My only hesitation with adding structures to the outside is that it could spoil the close quarters nature of on foot play. Unfortunately I have no way of getting to my xbox today so you guys will hear from me tomorrow when I've had some time to play with it. Again, give the map a play test and post some in depth impressions
What whiteLime thinks I think that it looks well done and a nice map but i also think that there should be more stuff around the edge, you could make like little pitstops for the vehicles with br's or something in there and then maybe add like a truck or something.
this map looks really good, but what concerns me is the domination of that ghost whenever someone touches ground level. is there a power weapon to counteract it ie. the missle pod and banshee in valhalla
Are ghosts the only vehicles because if they are i think i would add one or two choppers for more randomness when fighting them but great first ide for a map i like it
Thanks for all the brilliant advice. To answer some of your questions, the grav lifts have been placed for gameplay purposes, it makes driving around the track much more difficult and is right next to an open entrance to the tower. This gives on foot players a chance to take vehicles down and stops the vehicles from entering the tower area. There is also a spartan laser and 3 land mines for taking down vehicles. The balance actually works quite well because of how well the tower is protected. The vehicular area is mainly built for fighting between vehicles. You can pick off people on foot but it works the other way round as well I'm loving the pit stop idea by the way. I have something in mind that could work well Edit: There are 3 ghosts, 2 warthogs, and 2 mongooses. Your right choppers would be a brilliant inclusion Edit: I just noticed I didn't include a link to the actual map thread! Sorry guys! I hope everyone who has viewed it takes time to come back and download it! I'm such an idiot! (The link has been included with the pictures and images)
Looks like a fun map actually! Good first post! I would also suggest that you look at Forging 101. It has great tips on how to improve your maps!
nice but you should interlock it and maybe block off parts of the map with double boxes to make it look not so empty. 3/5