Foundry Paint ball!

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by killamnjaro, Apr 30, 2009.

  1. killamnjaro

    killamnjaro Ancient
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    The map itself is fairly simple... you have two symmetrical sides with a small base and a flag.
    unless you live under a rock you probably know what halo style paint ball is, but still, i should enlighten you on how it works. your weapon is was and always will be a plasma pistol with instant kill and un-limited ammo. You have a 10-15 second respawn time even though in actual paint ball if you get shot your out. But in halo... that does not work so well.

    (action shots not included

    corner overview

    base 1 overview

    base 1 looking to corner

    base 2 overview

    base 2 looking to corner

    #1 killamnjaro, Apr 30, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2009
  2. Gun Down

    Gun Down Ancient
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    It seems you dont know how to geomerge. You should checkout forging 101. No so origanal Idea but the design and how you did it is great. Cons for that
  3. madcow015

    madcow015 Ancient
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    Well i think the map looks great. you don't need to merge every little thing...

    I really like the barrel and crate obstacles that give a sort of duck-and-cover experience; simple, yet fun.

    also I think it would be better with 1 life per round so its true paintball, but thats just my opinion

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