Okay so here is a sig I made recently... It started off as a stock of wolverine on a black BG and I did stuff... Everything in red is custom and it's about 20ish layers.... Okay then... CnC I guess... V.1 V.2. V.3.
v3 has the most color in it in my opinion, the red makes it look the best. isnt this supposed to be in universal cnc?
Ummm... Idk. I looked for teh UCnCT but it was buried and I saw a bunch of new CnC threads so I just made one... w/e. Oh and thanks. Still need suggestions though...
Third one is best color wise but the render looks like ****. I can't even make it out and the pink crap on his eye is horrible.
The only suggestion i can think of is to give it a really cool border, not a boring black one but make it unique
I think they are way too small. It looks like you tried to cram in too much stuff into a small sig, which doesn't work. Also, the edges on all of them look really bad.