Hello. I have made a few forge maps, decent, and horrible. I figured I would post my better ones on here. Map Name: Padlock Gametype: Best: Flags & Keys (any multi flag/bomb game could work too) This is a symmetrical map. For this map, I used the lockable forge door technique, and I am not sure who first came up with it. However, I give full credit if needed for the inclusion of this mechanism. For those of you who haven't heard of it, although I'm sure almost all of you have, the dumpster acts like a door and would generally be sitting there, blocking your path. When you throw a grav-lift under the dumpster, it swings up and open, allowing people to walk through. When the lift expires, the dumpster will lock again. A pretty impressive device in my opinion, that again, I did not invent. It's better if you throw it to the side a little, because if you throw it in the center, you may get stuck when you try to walk by, which will REALLY frustrate you. In the interior of each base, there is the flag box, which holds the flag, a hammer, and a shield door for obvious, flag defending reasons. One can also hide behind of aside the flag box, or make the difficult jump onto the crate, then onto the box to see down the back channel. In each base, there is a back way in, with no door. However, there isn't much cover going in if a guard is stationed there. There is also grav-lifts, Brs, and Frags found on the way out. The back way in. One can jump onto the barrel, then onto the box, then onto the other box, then on top to access the plasma-cannon. Sneaky. The gametype with semi low gravity is desired so that players cannot use grav-lifts to simply hop over the base walls, which would almost negate the door systems, and break the game. There are quite a few weapons on the map, of almost every kind. The map again is perfectly symmetrical so you could say that makes it balanced? So this isn't the most beautiful or well made map, but it might be kinda fun. There's a wide area for improvement, especially on the precision aspects. Download Padlock: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Download Flags & Keys: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing I don't know how to make it so that the link itself will appear as the word "Padlock"...
looks pretty nice, i like the forged door part of it, thats going to be in my map the border. alltogether it looks very well forged.
it does look pretty fun but like sdrakulich ( sorry if i spelled it wrong) you need some more pics. but it does look pretty fun. 3.5/5
Agreed. The weapon in the shield door box, especially a melee weapon is for people who just sit there and camp and score kills fast by just staying there. And it would be nice if you added more pictures because I can't really see whats going on in the map. Good map. 3/5.
nice looking map doors are tough and these look good to make links in to single words type [ u r l = then paste link] HERE [ / u r l ] without spaces and here would be the link you will be able to edit your post now if you want
Okay, cool. I'll perhaps rethink the weapon layout, and post more pics. Thing is, I had about 5, but they wouldn't upload to image-shack after the 3rd one. I'll try again soon. I wasn't sure weather to put this in causal or competitive. I mean, a CTF game is generally competitive, but I'm obviously not going for an MLG map. At the same time though, it's not "Kill the idiot with the hammer and rockets jumping on the ceiling" casual either. And thats funny, Orbitalshot, I have a map called "The Border" as well! It's about... Illegal Immigration... What?
I do like this map, but it could use some work. Some of the walls aren't very straight. You can use boxes to help you mount walls. Also, If you want to make it look awesome, you could put a double wall on top of a double box. Then set the box to not spawn at start. Then start a new round. The box won't be spawned. Take a double wall and place it directly underneath the other wall. Use the save and quit floating technique. Then start a new game and repeat the process by putting another double wall on the bottom of the second double wall. Save and quit. When the game loads again delete the two top walls. Then you can place objects on top of the double wall such as a wall that is placed straight up. When you spawn the double box, you will see that the object is vertically merged. If you have any other forge questions message me.
I like what you have done, the map looks great, but I have a few suggestions. 1) You mentioned that there is a required gametype that increases player gravity to prevent them from abusing the grav lifts. Competitive maps are usually made to host simply the default game settings; an extra gametype leans more toward casual maps. I would recommend making the walls higher instead or... 2) It is of my opinion that locking doors have a negative impact on competitive maps. Then again, it could work well. However, I would suggest ditching the dumpster doors in favor of a more classic entrance. The rest of your map is unique enough that this would not subtract from its appeal in the slightest. If you need or want help forging, please feel free to message me.
I saw some walls that were a wee crooked and the merging is kind of iffy. If you need help just pm me and id be glad to.
Yeah, I'm thinking I was going for a more casual approach now. Thanks for all the input. I might actually remake it with more interlocking and precision. I might put up other maps soon, although I'm sure those need a lot of work too.
Having to grav-lift open a door for quick flag retrieval could make for some fun gameplay and the rest of the map looks pretty good.
Just some quick stuff and then the rating.... The required gametype is a turn off I noticed that some of the merges were slightly off and it just isn't right in some places( not good flow) anyway alright map 3/5