This is a map supports "Team Slayer", "Multi-flag" and "Territories". Basically there are around 35 geo merged objects throughout the map, and it is divided into "A side" and "B sides". You might say that the geo merges look sloppy, but there supposed to look kinda random so please don't complain about there sloppiness. Spawn killing is very hard because of all the speratic spawns, so so spawn killers = Fail The weapons are fair based, NO ROCKETS, there is a sword in the middle instead next to a crouch box, and thats pretty much the design. Now for the Overviews: Overview 1 Overview 2 ACTION SHOTS!!! He stuck my sniper rifle! Never walk over a trip mine around an enemy! I got no scoped, but I stuck him first! I am now afraid of the pink mist! DOWNLOAD HERE Thanks for reading
I'm really not sure what to say about this i know it is supposed to look random, but, this is REALLY random i seriously do not know what to leave as a comment how is gameplay? really exciting, or moderately boring?
That is the most immaculate sloppy/random map ever! It is clean in its randomness... The map looks okay, it would be cool if there was a second floor to add to the random gameplay that is expected. 4/5
Hmmm I don't know what to say. I have never seen another map like it. That being said in the best possable way lol Nice geogliching evan though some of it is unnecessary it still give the map a good feel... I could see this as really good for KOTh and teritories. Is it set up for KOTH? Your description says that it is not made for King but can it support it? The map looks good but evan though it is supposed to be random there is no bases or aesthletic features to make the map exceptional. Just nice geoglitching and a lot of fun! I say 4.5/5 on the map. I think... lol
2/5. I just played this on this with some friends. The geometry merging is accurate, but doesn't make sense, along with the whole map. And about the game play, no offense, but it makes worse sense. I know in your description you said not to post about randomness, but this is random. Sorry, I don't want to be mean but... what?
looks like a bunch of random crap geomerged luckly in the ground imo, what ever floats your boat, i wish you would post a diagram for weapons and objectives. + asymmetrical maps are unfair for multiflag. if you did test this map youd know
So you can geomerge? wow I know you said your design was suppose to be random, but I cant see anything that would make for interesting gameplay or anything....maybe post a video to prove this has good gameplay..
thank you ,this guy considers geomerge to be not neat if you could geomerge it would be neat, not something gone bad. if you think your good you need a realtity check imo
I really don't know weather to congratulate on a map that you planned to be random or to complain that the fact that theres just a bunch of random boxes and some little nooks. Honestly I don't know how you divided it into sides this really makes no sense and I don't think it would play well. 2.5/5
attention Everybody: If You Dont Believe Me That The Gameplay Is Good, Then Try It Yourself, And One More Thing, I Can Geomerge Quite Well I Just Threw This Together One Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!