Wow, someone actually took the time and forged a map for Halo 3 on the xbox one! Without phasing during the construction process, I truly commend you for your efforts.
Thank you, Warholic! I really appreciate that! I wanted to post a video walk through on here as well in which I had uploaded to UPLOAD but could not find a way to link it to here, it doesn't help that I haven't been on here in a few years and I see that things have changed. Is there a tutorial that you could suggest that I may see so that I can get up to date and prepare better post in the future?
Thank you, Warholic! I really appreciate that! With all the new possibilities available, I fear Halo 3 might be dead on the xbox one but I do not wish to throw it away or see it go abandoned because there is still potential waiting within this old map.
No carpet box. 2/10. Kidding of course, thank you for forging on Foundry! I know how clunky it is using H3 forge now, but the multiplayer compoenents of H3 are so much better than H2A I wish there were more maps.