Remake Overseer

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by DWeight, Dec 19, 2010.

  1. DWeight

    DWeight Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This is version 2 of my Guardian remake. It was originally just titled "Overseer" but I've noticed giving remade maps a different name does more harm than good.

    This plays just like guardian. You wont have to struggle to figure out where you are. Weapons are in place and all original Guardian tricks and strategies should work.

    I'm a little concerned about frame rate and lag issues. Please comment on these. If frame rate is a real problem then I have a third version of this map that is basically ready to go but is not as nice to look at.



    Gold Lift


    Blue Room

    Bottom Middle

    Sniper Lift

    Blue Window

    Top Middle

    Again I'm worried about frame rate. Feed back would be most appreciated!

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