
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Pigglez, Mar 31, 2008.

  1. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    A Map by Zstrike13
    Assisted by SniperSR25

    Download Map Here:Overpass
    Download Gametype Here: Dark Days

    Please Comment!!! Thank you!!!

    Backround Info:
    Alright... this is my 5th map to date and my first collaboration. My friend Nick, (SniperSR25) came up with the original idea of a bridges map. Overpass (Bridge Battle, as he calls it) is the result. The name Overpass is derived from my idea of it being like a highway bridge with a multitude of levels.

    We ran into a series of disputes when it came to gametype and such. He decided for it to be an Infection game (although it would work fine with Slayer). The biggest argument was over weapon layout. Sniper makes tons of infection games and theyre great and i love playing them with him and friends, but theyre too unbalanced. AKA- he LOVES armories. Unfortunately, I hate them and protested when he began laying weapon after weapon in one spot. I rushed over and deleted them as he made them lol. Eventually, i luckily convinced him to not place an armory on this map and just spread out the weapons. However, the compromise we made also gave him full control over basic weapon choice. He chose most power weapons but i made sure he didnt put too many on.... with that said, let me take this time to write...

    Weapons on Map:
    *** As i said, there are a multidtude of power weapons, so don't get too surprised***
    ***Luckily, I convinced him not to place Rockets, so that's one power weapon not here :]***
    -Shottys: 2 placed on map (also starting weapons)
    -Magnums: Secondary Starting weapons
    -Battle Rifles: 2
    Sniper Rifles: 2
    Spartan Laser: 1
    Flamethrower: 1
    Energy Sword: 1
    Needlers: 2
    Active Camo: 2
    Mongeese: 4
    Energy Swords: Starting Weapons

    Alright, so it isnt a ton of weapons, but its not an armory yet theyre mostly power weapons... but still, on to the actual map

    After an outbreak of a deadly disease, sunday drivers started to become more and more vicious until eventually, they couldn't be controlled any longer. A team of Elite Special Ops drivers were sent in to handle the problem. Unfortunately, it may already be too late...

    The map is split into three layers of the bridge.

    The Basement: The basement is basically one long hallway with almost nothing except for two stairways up to the Underpass and a lone energy sword dangling from the ceiling. As a zombie, watch out for snipers in corners...

    The Underpass: The underpass is the mid-section of the bridge where a lot of the chaos happens as teams spawns and rush each other from each side. Noticeable features: there are small rooms every few feet down this long hall perfect for hiding in. Unforunately, a few of these have no ceiling and you may be ambushed from above, so be careful. Also, shottys and battle rifles spawn in some of these rooms and the flamethrower spawns in the center. There are also grav lifts (2 on each side) that can be used to access the next level, the Overpass. One last feature of the underpass are the sniper halls. They are one sided so you can only enter from one side and dead end is at the other. Plenty of ceiling cover here, however, there are also plenty of holes in the ceiling to be shot at from (I was once sniped crouching in an alcove of this hallway from above). At the start of these halls are also where the snipers spawn and inside them are the needlers.

    The Overpass: Finally, the overpass... the place that the map derives it's name from... Here you will find the Spartan Laser in the center, active camos on the sides and a small sniping spot up in the crane. The overpass is very open and there is nowhere to hide once up here (although the active camos help lol). There are plenty of drop spots where you can drop into the underpass and ambush enemies. Use these with caution... This is also the only level of the map that allows you to drop off the bridge and onto the ground below. There are mancannons to take you back and mongeese (2 on each side) to drive around with. However, there are no entrances into the back hallways of foundry and no way to drive around the bridge to the otherside so it isn't incredibly reccomended to go down here, as you will probably be sniped anyway. but...

    Overview of the Bridge and Overpass

    Mongeese on side over edge

    The Basement

    The Underpass

    One of the Sniper halls in the Underpass

    Not really sure what happened here...

    Zombie and Human back to back... completely unaware...

    Please Comment and enjoy my first collaboration: Overpass :squirrel_rocking:
  2. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    AWESOME! The Zombie and Human don't even know but that was probably planned.
  3. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    lol, actually it wasnt planned... but i was going thru theatre mode nd saw it, what really happened was we had been attacking each other and walked around each other nd i took the shot at that exact moment, but it was totally thru real gameplay lol
  4. Jebus1001

    Jebus1001 Ancient
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    Looks pretty cool, is the map set up for any gametypes other than infection?
  5. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    yea, it was designed to be played for slayer as well, tho i dnt have a gametype, just normal slayer would do, altho of course u could alter this if u really want to..., KoTH COULD wrk, but i dnt recommend it... nd CTF, Assault= no... VIP/Juggernaut, go 4 it... its good for anything, but we specifically made it for infection...
  6. Aclopolipse

    Aclopolipse Ancient

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    This is real cool! I'll Q it right away!
  7. InnerSandman13

    InnerSandman13 Ancient
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    Yay!!!! Where is the beam rifle?
  8. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    srry, no beam rifle on the map... there r snipers and BRs tho
  9. T3CH N9NE

    T3CH N9NE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks awesome! I love multi-level maps, looks like you put a lot of hard work and efforit into this one! Ill dl right now. :]
  10. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yes thnk u... a lot of wrk was put in, ik its not completely astonishing but yea, feedback always appreciated :]
  11. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks really cool with the 2 levels, also love these kinda infection maps 5 stars

    SPAGETTII Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks like a cool concept
    ill have to check it out
  13. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thank you but please, say more than, Looks cool, will check it out". I appreciate your DL but I like more feedback, a strong point or something. Not to be offensive, really, but please, next time more feedback, thank you.

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