Overpass By: UR MAST3R Description: Overpass an asymmetrical map designed for any gametype. It works particularly well with 1 Flag CTF and 1 Bomb Assault. The attackers start with a warthog while there are rockets in the middle of the map but the defenders have an advantage on getting those. In the middle of the map there is the overpass and this is where many of the battles take place but be careful because the warthog can dominate this area. The defenders also have a trip mine in case the rockets fall into the wrong hands. There is plenty of cover but not too much so mid-range firefights are common. This map contains battle rifles, carbines, assault rifles, a brute shot, a needler, one rocket launcher with no spare clips, one sniper with one spare clip, a pistol, SMGs, plasma rifles, spikers, and a shotgun with one spare clip. I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking. Pictures: Download
This maps looks well thought out and complex.Over turned bridges turn-me on lol.I'll totally play this if i can fix my RRoD (as we speak).I'll give it a 5/5 . P.S. The pics you took showed the map very well you must teach me.
this looks really good. Lol I also have a map named overpass... good name, right? I like the design on the bridge, really smooth and flawless execution. The building in the back is also quite aesthetic and awesome. The hidden warthog is smart, and it looks like there is just enough room on the map to make it work... overall, great map :]
Totally new design with so many floors and nooks and cranies, which I like. It also has nice interlocking, ecspecially on the bridge.
Driving the warthog on this map is similar to driving it on turf in halo 2. You might hit some stuff but it you'll make it.
Omg thats so true also it will help your skill fo driving it like it did for me back in the day of halo2
hmm, this looks very interesting... also very original. i really like the design of this map. it looks very connected well thought out. looks like there's plenty of places to hide, which i like. i also like the elevation of it all. overall looks very good!
All of the weapons are on a 30 second respawn time except for the rockets (120 second respawn), the sniper (120 second respawn), and the shotgun (90 second respawn). The is a bubble shield on the map with a 60 second respawn time, and you can see the bubble shield in the fist picture on the overpass.
This is the best non-interlocked map I have ever seen. A lot of creativity and, what looks to be, hardwork in this map. 5/5 for me.
This map looks good, but I think that a power drainer would work better than a trip mine for taking out the hog, and I LOVE the layout, but it feels lacking and empty in some parts, since the map supports vehicles its ok though, but maybe fill some of those areas in.
There is one part of the map that could have used something to spice it up but it needed to be open enough for the warthog to move and i'm almost out of budget.
The Review Hub Map Name:overpass Author:The Dew Aka UR MAST3R Reviewed By:roche178 Enjoyment: 8/10 I must say I really enjoyed this map I the gameplay was really intense and the map layout is very functional. Although your spawns were a little bit off and also defending a flag in a game of 1 flag CTF was extremely difficult. Balance: 6/10 Here is the main weakness of this map defending a flag is near impossible because of the way the spawning system is set up when one team goes to the enemy base to retrieve a flag the enemy start spawning in the defenders base they then grab the flag and capture it. Durability: 7/10 Your map is pretty much not escapable although your spawning system was dysfunctional and caused problems in the gameplay of the map which made the game unfair for one side I recommend putting another spawn area further away from the base. Aesthetics: 8/10 This map was really nice to look at your bridges are really smooth I saw no bumps at all and the area was not to cluttered. However there is one area behind the sniper tower that really looks sloppy and the area near the red door looks a bit messy too. Originality: 6/10 As far as originality goes you did not include any new concepts or ideas but the map layout is fairly unique I don't see many maps with bridges playing a such big part of the gameplay. Overall score: 7/10 The main problem I have with this map is the spawns as it throws off your balance and the fun but overall I had alot of fun with this map the bases are really well constructed it looks really nice and has very intense gameplay.
this map is one of the coolest neatest maps i have ever seen the bases look sweet, but why is there a worthog lol
Eh, I think this map looks alright. There's limited interlocking (not that it's essential, it's just that it's more attractive and makes it look neater), not many if any new concepts or features in it, and the warthog doesn't seem to make much sense being in there. But then again, I have yet to play it, so if I DL I will indeed return.