
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Nosirrom Mij, Oct 21, 2010.

  1. BARF

    BARF Forerunner

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    Barfs Review

    My first review for the forge guild. I hope this where you re supposed to post it.

    The astetics of this map are great. I love the glass wall in the hall of heros. The ramp divided into narrow paths with railings is really original. The anged brigdes are cool but proved problamatic with z-fighting and small gaps. Gaps are unexceptable. I also liked the sunroof and the dome ceiling.
    I didnt understand why there is a kill ball. I assumed its there to keep people off the top of the tunnel on the first floor. The kill ball needs something around it to make it seem like its part of the building. Generating its power or something. I dont like having to crouch to get the hammer. Im not liking the grass basement eigher. The floor had a few bumps here and there. Not that bad. The grav lift is miss leading. You have to hit it a few times to know where you re supposed to land and what angle to hit it from.
    Giving the limits of the forge. Id say this map is a great success. Good work. 7/10
  2. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Forerunner
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    The Teleporter is way to campable, a game of oddball would never work on this map because all the carrier has to do is wait inside the teleporter room and when an enemy comes they kill him.
  3. Nosirrom Mij

    Nosirrom Mij Ancient
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    First, what is the Forge Guild? I don’t remember signing up for anything like that.

    And second, I find your “review” somewhat offensive. If you’re going to take the time to analyze my map and write up some sort of “official” review, you could at least take the time to hit the edit button and fix all of that terrible grammar and jumble of typos.

    You are referring to the 45 degree corner pieces with 1x1 bank piece.

    Again, I am offended. The gaps between the 1x1 bank and the 45 degree corner are entirely aesthetic, meaning they were by design. Who are you to tell me what is exceptable? The gaps are so small that they don’t even produce the slightest bump when walking over them.

    Sigh… Overlord is a sequel to my map Deity from Halo 3. The Overlord, or the Deity if you will, is a strange and sadistic alien god. He requires no power source.

    Aside from it’s aesthetic purpose, it did serve as a deterrent for preventing Blue Team from jumping down in that specific spot.

    Ultimately, I decided the Kill Ball was unnecessary and I removed it from the polished version of the map.

    It’s no different than crouching through the pipe on High Ground in Halo 3.

    If you want to give your feedback, that’s great, but this isn’t a book club. Sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here.

    Well, I wouldn’t really recommend oddball to begin with, but I don’t think people are really aware of the gap above the teleport cage. I designed it so you can slip a grenade through from the inside, or the outside. It’s a small gap, but a well placed grenade or two can slip through there. It works both ways. I also have a soft killzone in the teleport cage on the newer version of the map. I also removed the shotgun as well.

    I personally recommend Slayer variants on this map. Believe it or not, Big Team Snipers was a lot of fun.
    #43 Nosirrom Mij, Nov 8, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2010
  4. QTheDukeQ

    QTheDukeQ Forerunner

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    Just a thought of what I have found helpful with tricky floors. Where you have the sword straighten the 2x2 to line up with the corner and then add medium rails. It will give you a lip that will allow the 2x2 to be there with out the little hic-up jump.

  5. SpecterCody

    SpecterCody Ancient
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    Just after a quick run-through I can tell some very interesting vertical combat can happen here. I like the unique layout since it isn't stifled by geometry like much of the maps I see today. My only suggestions are to redo the ground floor grav lifts so you either land where intended or can immediately tell which way you are supposed to enter them, and the upper grav lift inside the blue round bunker, which operates successfully but in a clunky and unattractive manner. Overall I have to say the design is impressive and memorable which is hard to come by.
  6. Nosirrom Mij

    Nosirrom Mij Ancient
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    Thank you very much, I'm glad you like my map. And I agree with you, if there is one problem I have with this map is getting the gravlifts working 100% of the time as opposed 85% of the time. I don't think they are as a severe problem for the map, as much as it is an occasional annoyance. I'll probably play around with them some more in the future, but right now games have been playing great and I'm satisfied with my submission. If it does win and Bungie wants to/ or rather wants me to make adjustments, I'd be more than happy to.

    Edited by merge:

    Hmm, I didn't see this message before. I like your idea. I may just have to try that.
    #46 Nosirrom Mij, Nov 30, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2010

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