Download Map Download Game Variant Map Title:Overlook Map Variant:Oneshot Description: This is a hidden room on Rats Nest that is extremely hard to get into. Play this with one shot and ist alot of fun with alot of people. See how many kills you can get in a row. [size=13pt]There won't be much time for scenery looking so get a good look now. There is no time to aim, just shoot and hope you get a head shot before you get had first.
I fail to see how gaining access to a room merits you a map. It also seems very unexciting, no cover, no scenery, nothing. It's an empty room. You didn't even make this! It's a try, but I won't download. Sorry.
Not every one has the same tast. If you dont like it than move on, and i bet some of your maps are not that good to me.
thumbs up on getting in there but like Nemihara said If you can't make the map more interesting than shoot, kill and respawn I don't think you will get many downloads. PS: I suggest that you try and improve the map by doing something to it that will make it unique. Having a boring unique map is in some cases better than having a good generic map.
To be fair, I do make a lot of blocked off maps like you do. Although I have nothing posted here. I just don't release them to the community, because I feel that it would taint my reputation. As soon as I think I made something good, I'll release it. That's perfectionism to you.