I don't know if this is the right place to post this but this thread is just really a disccusion on weather or not Overloading your maps comes in handy or not. Personaly I find it quite usefull in certain situations, Eg. Turning the area under Construct into a little platform, or making a bunker on the outskirts of Sandtrap or Snowbound. I was just wondering on everyones opinions on weather or not they like to overload there maps when they forge.
Well it's useful on any map that has mancannons, guardians, or shield doors on the map. If you need to do any work in an area near one of these things, you practically need to overload, except in the case of shield doors, it just makes it easier when they're not there.
Ya, but sometimes in my mind I think that overloading the map is basicaly glitching, and it makes me feel like i wouldn't be able to make my maps without it. make sense?
Usually for me if I do it, its just to make sure you cant cheat on something, I dont do it too often. Just overload, place item, overload again, interlock into it, continue a couple times, to make sure they cant cheat. I dont think of it as something I need, usually.
Ok that actualy makes me feel like im not really 'cheating'. So baically, correct me if I'm wrong, overloading a map is really just a techinque forgers use in a scenario to help prevent something from happening in game play or just to make better aesthetics?
Can be either, I've done for both. It's very annoying, so I dont do it often, its just throwing tons of trip mines into a huge pile every round...
OK I see what your saying I don't know why but this conversation has gave me answers to some questions. Off topic: TerboGerbil what is with your sig? it freaks me out everytime I see a giant bunny on my screen. lol.
hate to bump this thread (seems pointless to me)....but overloading is when you throw a ton of trip mines down and the guardians pretty much quit working (mines on sandtrap turn off)...search for it..
right cheers that does seem a little pointless i thought it might have been something to do with getting past the item limit