Alright. I know how to overload a map using Trip Mines, but when I did it on Avalanche, the mancannons turned back on next round. Yes, I know that you need to overload the map four times to turn off all of the mancannons, that's not what I'm talking about. I just to know how to make it so that the mancannons STAY off.
so what method are you talking about to keep them off. please just tell us in the post and make it clear other than saying that you know it.
Sorry. I used the method where you set a Trip Mine to instant respawn (by setting the run-time minimum as the same as the run-time maximum) and just stand there, repeatedly throwing said Trip Mines. I wasn't aware that there were any other methods.
He's talking about a permanent state of de-spawn. Like MLG Pit Experiment, where they permanently turned off the Rocket Lift, and all the shield doors.
you can do it by making a massive amount of objects spawn in the same spot. it's very time consuming and frustrating, i wouldnt recommend it unless its absolutely neccesary. i did it on construct to get rid of the grav lifts. i dont think it would work (well) on avalanche though, because most of the objects are static i think, i dont have new maps yet
I already did it, the problem was that when I reloaded Avalanche, the cannons turned back on. I was asking what to do to turn it off permenantly.
Well unless you want to put a sign up in your map saying "No teh mancannonz u n00bz", it looks like you only have what options have been stated. I don't think there are any other ways.
A bump to tell you that I've tried it. I've tried overloading Avalanche using the magical pile of equipment. The good news is, it can be done. The bad news is you need to use immovable objects which means it'll only work for that round. The next round the walls etc wont disappear. Feel free to prove me wrong, I hope you can. Avalanche was the first time I tried that glitch (maybe its not a glitch, there's actually a blue puff of smoke!) so I may have done something wrong
If you put enough objects in the game (any object type, just has to be a certain amount) it'll overload the map.
Unfortunately, to do so, you'll need to figure out how to get past the item limit. I have an idea, but I'm away from my Ex-bochs at the moment.