^^^^^^^Click To Download^^^^^^^ Introduction: This is a conquest map on Orbital Overlience started out about 2 months ago, and has been through a lot including doubt of being finished. But it has prevailed and although I may seem mediocre at first glance, Overlience provides fun and exiting gameplay all the way through each game. So enjoy yourselves, as you play on the masterpiece rightly named Overlience. Description: Overlience’s layout is much like a square with the two teams starting back to back with a wall between them. But there is a one story elevation change so one team is under you as the game starts, so don’t be scared if your radar shows enemies at the beginning. The center territory is unique compared to most conquest maps as it is a set of stairs. The center has lots of place to jump on to and has several good places to stay and capture the territory. There are many weapons with the sniper and brute shot in the 1st territory, SMGs and the carbine in the 2nd territory, and more duel weapons including SMGs, spikers, and plasma rifles in the 3rd territory. Weapons: -SMG X8 -Plsams Rifles X4 -Spikers X4 -Carbines X2 -Snipers X2 -Brute Shots X2 -Plasma Nade X4 Lets have the pictures do the rest of the talking… Pictures: First Territory Pics 2nd Territory Pics 3rd Territory Pics Center Territory Pic Those are all the pics you need to see for now... {just kidding} A Day In The Game Spoiler This is something I have never done on a thread before. Basically this is what a player might see as he progresses through the map. Red Player Blue Player On this map, nearly every weapon combination is useful. Carbines are almost a power weapon so use them to your advantage since there are no BRs on the map. A plasma rifle with a spiker or SMG is also one of the more powerful combinations. Duel spikers are the best same weapon combinations while plasma rifles are the worst. ARs are always good if there is nothing else. Use this information to gain an edge on your opponent. Now for some action pics... So there you have it, Overlience. Download Overlience Here ENJOY
Hey you posted it! When you first showed me how you wanted to lay this map out, i was a little doubting. But you pulled it off well! This proves that asymmetrical maps can work well for conquest too. This turned into a very fun conquest map! From start to finish, you have nearly perfected this conquest map. The only things I think you should adjust are the sniper rifle placement and assassination areas (bottom of stairs, and you know where else lol). Other than that, i'd give it my nod of approval for the library. Just get the rest of the team to approve it and we could get this map in the library! The map looks great and plays even better. Well done Bartoge! Yet another great conquest map!
At first I was going to get mad at a demon for double posting but I realized you obviously ran out of room my bad. Anyways your map looks fairly solid you didn't really alter the game play directly all that much but if its fun its fun. I'm not sure about all the dual wielding which when mixed with territories kind of makes this conquest like ( like as in lightly similar not offending anyone here seriously) any ways il DL and give your map a spin but im pretty shure I know how the map is gonna play already. Edit: Ok i missed the semi bold this is my conquest map which should really be at the top. Now I have to say its a fairly good conquest map and that this might be a tad long for one and ive never encountered a sniper in conquest before not saying it couldn't work it just seems like it would add more strategy than the brute force conquest is known for since with a snipe you dont have to get up close and personal. Edit again: Actually you didn't mention this was conquest where i thought you did it was just in your sig but you did say it in a little description and you have it as a prefix which doesn't show on new maps but you should really put conquest at the top.
Yay, you posted it! I tested this like 3 times and I saw myself in a lot of the screens. I love conquest and this is a very good example of a good conquest. The weapons on this map are very good and the layout is great. I like the feel of the map. It reminds me of the original Orbital. The gameplay I mean. I also like how you merged the box into the stairs. This map looks really nice. I really liked the middle territory. The pillar in the center made it unique and changed up the gameplay greatly. Good job.
I played this earlier today, and was wondering who made it, Apparently it was you. Unfortunately when I played it was a little off balance (me and another guy VS 3) But with all of the cool places to hide, we set off some cool ambushs (he is bait and I hide then assasinate) since we knew we were going to lose we just had fun. The pillar in the center stairway totally changed the way the map flows (orbital) It allows you to hide in almost plain sight! I wish I had been able to get a bigger game on it, but 3v3 worked pretty well! The bruteshot was a little off the beaten [instant spawn walk forward] path, but that just made more for me! I cant find anything wrong with the map, except maybe the assasination spots so this gets a 5/5! Great job man!