
Discussion in 'Map Discussion' started by WAR, Dec 5, 2015.

  1. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    WARHOLIC submitted a new map:

    Overgrowth - If you thought I was big before...

    Read more about this map...
  2. iParanormal

    iParanormal Member
    Forge Critic

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    visual fidelity sacrificed in the name of visual appeal
    #2 iParanormal, Dec 5, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2015
  3. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
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    This looks like Halo's answer to "The Last of Us".
    CommanderColson likes this.
  4. Kell Of Scots

    Kell Of Scots Legendary
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    who let the Destiny Venus art team in?

    Anyway, asides from looking like Asylum from Destiny, im intrested to see how the lighting of this map will affect target Acquisition, since alot of 343s art team dont seem to understand how important it is and are busy making things "look pretty"
    TheGodofForge and beybok like this.
  5. CUJO

    CUJO Guest

    If they aren't complaining that the maps look bland and plain, there's someone whining because the maps look great. Thank god there are at least some people who appreciates the fine work they've done. These crybabies need to go play Minecraft and take their self entitlement with them.
  6. Kell Of Scots

    Kell Of Scots Legendary
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    Target Aquisition and Consistency are more important than "Looking Pretty"

    And 343's art team STILL don't get that. I seem to recall snipedown mentioning on recent stream that there was lighting issues on older versions of the map. This is after the Halo 5 beta were people mentioned their lighting is bad.

    Do not mistake critical thinking for lack of respect. The maps layout looks very intresting. But the art team just make terrible choices for aesthetics that hurt gameplay. Style over Substance is not in the intrest of a good map to play on. Although the person who decided camo should spawn a jump and thusters length from the shotgun needs to hit with a brick.

    On a side note, I don't recall anyone complaining about maps looking plain If a maps colours in the "space of play" are good for noticing both teams take for example, a map with similar aesthetics, Ghost Town, Halo 3. The overgrown ruins vibe is met in Halo 3, and does so while keeping both Red and Blue visually discernable. The light wall colours and Dark Greens and Dark browns help this. The map had some clutter issues but overall looked visually appealling without sacrificing gameplay.

    There is no need to be a white knight for 343's bad art decisions.
    a Chunk and SecretSchnitzel like this.
  7. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
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    If you go and watch Epic's Unreal Tournament Youtube Channel videos where they walk through the process of designing Titan Pass and Outpost 23, you'll see that good developers actually pay close attention to how aesthetic detailing impacts gameplay. I don't understand why 343 is so incapable of paying the same attention to how art decisions impact gameplay as the designers on UT4. No disrespect to them, but this isn't exactly something difficult to understand.
    a Chunk and Kell Of Scots like this.
  8. Kell Of Scots

    Kell Of Scots Legendary
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    On a side note, I feel the map name is kinda generic. I mean, the layout on the stream had kind of an up and over feel, like a knot, and the map has all these knotted vines.....

    What im saying is the map should he named Knotted or something Knot related.
  9. Kell Of Scots

    Kell Of Scots Legendary
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    Another good part to mention was that originally the grass was far to high (Again according to snipedown on stream) if the art team cannot pick up on something as easy as "hey do you think the grass is to high for a crouching player?" then there is an issue.

    Also look at the second image


    see the tree trunks and rocky area at the the base of the tree? all that horrible uneven floor IN THE SPACE OF PLAY? I can't look at that and say, well my grenade is gonna bounce in such a manner. this is a big issue on 343 maps.
    a Chunk and purely fat like this.
  10. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
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    @Fraser M.W. I don't know, I kinda feel like dealing with the environment is part of gameplay. This isn't a laser tag room, it's a ruin. As long as it is only a small part of a map I am ok with it. That being said they could have dropped the tree down 6 inches to reduce it's impact on movement, or even raised it a foot and put in a steeper, cleaner, embankment for ducking behind or jumping onto.
  11. Kell Of Scots

    Kell Of Scots Legendary
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    You shouldnt have to be fighting the map when your supposed to be fighting the enemy players, in a game where a well placed Grenade can be life or death, second guessing cause of an unnecessary uneven surface shouldnt be an issue
  12. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
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    This is an over arching issue I've been having with the maps in Halo 5, as the design team have taken it upon themselves to decide that its better to have a map littered with little aesthetic detailing that stick out all over the map such as pipes and awkward ledges. Aesthetic flourishes through physical assets are fine, but not when they start to interfere with player movement and become a hindrance that a player can get caught on. Case point, hugging the inside wall at Blue/Red Plat on Empire, player s will often find themselves stuck against small geometry when trying to hug the wall for cover and slip back into the bases. Again, this is something the UT4 design team recognizes and actively works towards preventing in their maps.

    Awkward geometry caused in the name of aesthetic flourishes are bad for gameplay and should be kept to an absolute minimum. In a good game, the player should never be forced to fight against the game (random spread mechanics) or against the map (awkward geometry to get caught on or interfere with nade prediction).
    Debo37, a Chunk, Xandrith and 2 others like this.
  13. purely fat

    purely fat The Fattest Forger
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    Spartan charge and basically just two levels of hallways. not good for a game where people don't get punished as much for sprinting around a corner.
  14. ItsGetRekt666

    ItsGetRekt666 Legendary

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  15. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
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    I just thought it was crazy to put camo, shotty, & a sword on a map with such tight spaces. Am I the only one? Lol
    Deevius Bone likes this.
  16. Box Knows

    Box Knows Legendary
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    i hate this map
    Deevius Bone likes this.

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