Re: Spillway Yeah this looks really awesome. It is to bad I won't get to play it with my friends till next week. We just had our weekly custom game night last night. If anyone is gonna play custom matches in the next few days let me know. GT= Smat 8
Re: Spillway I hope you all really like this map and are waiting for the next map pack realease happening real soon.
Re: Spillway Don't you love 9 year olds? They can't play matchmaking cuz they suck and they'll quit if they can't play infection on customs. These are awesome maps and idk why they wouldn't try them.
Re: Spillway Really nice map. I have this map before it came out onto Forgehub. Good job Stolen Poo!!!
Re: Spillway Actually. I started map making doing the usual fusion coil map thing "pretty lame i know, but it happened.". Then I went on to make random slayer maps. After that I started making infection maps and I am really good at it. Still have most of my stuff from the erlier days of infection. I got me some attention too. Filled my friends list up in one weekend. After that I decided I was jusat going to make maps that were for specific gametypes. This resulted in many victories. When the new map pack came out I had this period of about two weeks where I could not make maps at all because I was soo used to just blocking areas of maps off to creat my own, and now I had to do it all myself. Eventually, after making about twenty crappy forts, I decided to make maps that worked for every gametype like bungie maps. This resulted in Backbone, then Descent, and finally I met Ki Jason and everything went uphill. Infection maps aren't bad, it's just that when you play alot of infection. It all becomes the same thing over and over again. Maps that work for every gametype have more variety.
Re: Spillway It isn't really the same thing over and over again unless you do a sandtrap sky fort or something like it. It gets really lame when little kids try to make their own sky forts cuz it is never balanced. Like we all can't handle 15 zombies without giving us a freakin scorpion tank and a unreachable skyfort with a sniper. There are some good infection maps and games out there but nowadays they are few or far between (or I need to hire a new customs game finder, I have a friend who is always in some kids infection game)
Re: Spillway This looks like a good map, but my xbox is broken so i will download when it is fixed, if it every happens
Re: Spillway you have a good point. and i do like infection and my infection maps are almost all really balanced, but i guess I just got tired of them. It's kinda good because then I wouldn't have gotten where I am now. A remake of Spillway will appear in the next map pack, brining the total # of maps currently in the pack to 4.
Re: Spillway StolenPoo, congrats on making one of the more creative maps to date. i checked it out a couple weeks ago when i saw it inthe bungie forums. loved the idea of the spillway, and your man-cannon elevator iis top-notch. well done homie
Re: Spillway Very impressive map. While exploring it, i kept thinking to myself that this is the kind of thing Bungie had in mind when they made Foundry. I did find a couple of points where you could easily get out of the map, but i'm not sure why anyone would want to unless trying to cheat at Oddball. Also, while exploring it, and looking at the map from above, i got the feeling that you originally intended to have it span the whole of Foundry. Two bases on either side, each with a sewer in front, and the middle wall/tunnels. If you were somehow able to pull this off i think it would have made it even better. Just a thought. Again, great job! I'm looking forward to actually playing this with some people one of these days...
Re: Spillway Everything will be fixed in the new version. Only time holds the new map from the community, It is good though.
Re: Spillway looking at the new map pack. Ki Jason and I are sorry you all had to play this crap. Thats how good the new stuff is.
Re: Spillway can't find anything i don't like about the map. and also ingenious way of using the man cannon as a lift up to the upper floor.
Re: Spillway this map is so cool, i love the competitive elements of it, you should deffinately make more like these