OutSkirts By: ArtofWar 001 Important Details: Remember that game we used to play on Sandtrap, where everyone takes a mongoose and rides along the outskirts of the map with all of the landmines blowing up around you, but your driven onward because of the mass zombie horde nipping at your tail. Yea that map. Well, I decided to make a remake of it on sandbox, and it is crazy awesome. I have blocked all of the towers that shoot at you, so the player is free to roam anywhere on the map. Now that you have an idea of the map we can check out the pictures. Now that you have seen the map please read: This map is not in any way, shape, or form designed to fight zombies in the center of the city. It was made so that if a human ventures into the city (the city is where zombies spawn) he will be immediately killed due to the huge advantage the zombies have in close quarters. The fun of this map is only if the humans get into the mongooses to drive around and fend off zombies. Gametype Details: The zombies must have least gravity, highest speed, and instant kill. The humans must be normal, except that they need infinite ammo and it is preferable to start with a battle rifle. LINK: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
for the map you've made, the gametype fails it. i think this map could work really well with conquest or territories if you adjusted the structures in the centre for better gameplay and have the attackers start from the hills.
I have to agree, i mean nice try, but epic fail. This would be much better off as a conquest map although some of the center structures would need to be tweaked.
I really don't see how this would do well as conquest since conquest maps are supposed to be linear and all. As far as the map, I think you should give the humans a reason to risk traversing into the center city for some sort of reward be it a power weapon or CP or something else. I also think the only vehicles should be mongeese so that if someone does decide to puss out all they can do is mosey around in the sands waitin for zombies to ambush them. Make some minor tweaks to the map and some to the gametype as well.
Are you saying zombies should be killed instantly or they should kill humans instantly? Infinite Ammo? Really? What this will end up being is just like another typical infection game on Sandtrap where everyone drives all over the outskirts and zombies get raped easily. In other words... absolutely no fun for the zombies and no skill involved.
some of the structures you've made are pretty awesome, and the gametype COULD be fun with some tweaking. Right now it sounds boring as hell because the humans could just ride to the very end of the map and race around with impunity. You definitely need to get rid of the tank and the gauss hog. Those are way overpowered for something like this. Someone would camp at the outskirts, zombies would get owned, and it would get boring in about a second. I think, because of the buildings you've made, you could make this into a pretty good standard infection map. Just unblock the guardian towers and change things around in the inner city.