Outskirts V2 Players: 4-8 Recommended Gametypes: Slayer, 1 flag CTF, 1 Bomb, and 2 Flag CTF Overview: Outskirts is the first map that I have created that uses all of the space that foundry has to offer, and it multiple paths around the various structures that allows for casual gamers to be able to go the "default" path, while more experienced players are able to go through more "advanced" paths. An example of this would be in the center structure (pictured above) you can jump off the forklifts to the wall, and up into the top center area of the map. Its unique layout also allows for both symmetrical gametypes, as well as asymmetrical gametypes. The map was created without the use of an infinite budget canvas, because I originally intended to submit the map as part of Bungie's Atlas maps, but i couldn't get good people to test it in a 4v4 match. The close quarter bases at the sides allows for good swording opportunities, while the base at the far end of the map with its open environment allows for a decent sniper position. Since the map supports both of these power weapons, it is essential to control them while playing, in order to get the advantage on your enemy. If anyone has any suggestions for me so that I can make this a better map, please either post them here, or send them to my gamertag (KrazyKraka3). Also if anyone has any 4v4 team slayer, 1 flag, or 2 flag videos for this map please message me with a link to download them so that I can submit this map to bungie. Weapons on the Map: ~Battle Rifle x 10 ~Sniper Rifle ~SMG x 2 ~Plasma Rifle x 2 ~Covenant Carbine x 2 ~Plasma Pistol x 1 ~Sword x 1 ~Power Drain x 1 Defender Symmetrical Spawn: Attacker Spawn: Defender Asymmetrical Spawn: Side View 1: Side View 2: Download Here
Wow, looks cool man, I defiantly thought that it was a sandbox map from the name but I understand now after reading your thread that you used all the available room on the entire map. I'll give it a down load and get back to you. I want to see what these paths your talking about are all about, I actually had an idea like that once for foundry.
I would have to say that it looks amazing and very neat. but might i suggest that you geomerge some of you boxes that are on the ground. 5/5
This looks way too much like Smashed, which has the worst gameplay in the world. However, I will play this before I make any more conclusions, though the earliest I can get a game on this would be Friday. Sound okay?