I know there are all these different ways to get outsides of maps but can you get out of snowbound with out being shot at by those stupid guns?
You can't go very far out of Snowbound when the Guardians are disabled as there is an invisible barrier just a few meters beyond the Guardians. Regardless, you can manually block them with your available resources on Snowbound, or you can overload the map to automatically disable the Guardians.
Overload the map with trip mines. Unfortunately, you can't get very far before hitting an invisible wall, but by tele tapping out of the rocky side of the map you can go for miles in theater mode.
I got out of the area where there is a massive ice plateau and it was awesome just speeding along in theater mode there.
There are actually entire maps built on the cliffs outside of snowbound. You just have to be carefull not to touch the ground for too long as it can kill you.