Map Title: Outposts Four outposts vie for control, which will come out on top? Download Map Description: Ok, Outpost is a symetrical map created specificaly for Slayer, CTF and Assault, but it is also set up for territories, vip, oddball, juggernaut, and infection. Some of the map is inerlocked, but i am not very good at it so i only used it when i needed to. the power weapons on the map are the sniper found at each of the bases, and the rockets in the center. the amount of shild doors snd fence boxes mean that just because you can see your enemy dosn't mean you can kill him. the rockets have a full clip to offset the respawn time and to make killing the guy with the rockets mor rewarding. some people may disagree, but i like to keep them in play a little longer. the mongeese in the basees are good for splattering people in the coridors where they have no where to jump to. i hope the map isn't to heavy on weapons, but thatsadvice I hope to get with feedback. Map with Spawn Points Center Area contains rockets, overshield, cutom power-up and regnerator and grenades Intentionaly slanted walls offer some cover from enemy fire while crates give a boost to the cat-walks The dumpsters serve the same poupose as the crates and the fire bomb makes life easier for those who arrive late to rocket spawn The shield door block fire into the center, but a well thrown grenade can pass through the slight gap, ending games of cat and mouse. Note that the trip mines will pass through a shield door. A spiker sits at the center of each box, while a brute shot and disrupter sit at the eastand west ends. The raised boxes hold a smg or a plasma rifle, the north/south or the east/west respectivly. Both hold plasma grenades. under the boxes on the north and south ends are needlers and tripmines in the passage outside, creating intersting choke points the base has two real levels, the lower garage that holds the mongoose and mauler has a gravlirt behind it that will lift you into the base behind the shield door. on the top is a turret that can fire on most of the map, but is very vulnerable to the snipers found at each base. the sniper and shield door for the base is visible. The entence by grav lift is directly below the camera. The flag return point is also directly below the camera. the teleporter takes you to the roof of your base and up to the flag spawn point at the turret. Two small holes in the roof allow you to drop back into the base. Inside are a carbine and a battle rifle. one more look at the map. I'll take all the advice you can give and if any ones interested in it i'll be happy to rework it to play even better. P.S. let me know if i missed anything, this is my first map post.